Am Freitag, 5. September 2008 18:44 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> On 09/05/08 18:38, VDR User wrote:
> > ...  Seeing how
> > many people have already left VDR, it's already happening!  :(
> I have no idea how many people actually use VDR, but you apparently
> have some solid numbers on how many people dropped VDR.
> Do you mind sharing these numbers?
> Klaus

When I ask around the more than a handful people who started using vdr after 
they saw mine, most of them use 1.3 or 1.4 versions still and dont miss 
anything. And these are all professional IT people who are not afraid of 
computers, but maybe because of this see using and not maintaning vdr as a 
spare time activity. Some tried Myth, no one uses it.

After a thunderstorm killed the tuner of my FF reacently, thanks of this list 
and sourcecap I can go on with my setting for a while, but plan to build a 
new vdr box soon. From what i read in vdr portal i am very confident that I 
will get a h264 vdr without too much hassle. There is even a "plug and play" 
distro for eHD already. I see a lot of progress going on, and I have no doubt 
that this will go into the vdr trunk eventually.

In my opinion and the few that I asked: no problem with the tempo, stability 
and a coherent slim code base is worth it.


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