
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

> The basic problem, as Reinhard pointed out, is that Transferring()
> doesn't return the right value at this time, because the transfer
> player hasn't been attached, yet.
> This change determines the Transferring condition from the fact
> that the actual device is different than the primary device, which
> is already the case at this early stage:
> --- device.c    2008/02/16 13:52:11     1.153
> +++ device.c    2008/02/17 15:55:06
> @@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
>  bool cDevice::Transferring(void) const
>  {
> -  return dynamic_cast<cTransfer *>(player) != NULL;
> +  return ActualDevice() != PrimaryDevice();
>  }
>  bool cDevice::AttachPlayer(cPlayer *Player)
> I hope this doesn't have any other side effects...

Hmm, this might break vdr-xine. I remember a discussion which led
to the introduction of cDevice::Transferring(), but I'm not sure
whether I was using the same code before, which is now used to
implement this function.

As I'm currently busy with other things, I won't find time to
test this change the next days.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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