On 01/06/08 23:57, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> Hi,
> Petri Helin schrieb:
>> since VDR became subtitles aware some months ago, I have been getting 
>> this kind of entries in the log:
>> Jan  6 23:02:48 vdr vdr: [4506] ERROR: can't set PID 2027 on device  9
>> PID 2027 is for a finnish subtitles stream.
>> I cannot see anything failing or such when this entry appears, but just 
>> thought to let Klaus know about it, in case it would make some sense to him.
> I came across this log message today, too. Looks like
> SetCurrentSubtitleTrack() calls AttachReceiver() on the
> PrimaryDevice() which is cXineDevice in my case.
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  0x080bbabb in cDevice::AddPid (this=0xb44c49f8, Pid=131, 
>> PidType=ptOther) at device.c:612
>> #1  0x080bbc00 in cDevice::AttachReceiver (this=0xb44c49f8, 
>> Receiver=0xb44e2078) at device.c:1502
>> #2  0x080be272 in cDevice::SetCurrentSubtitleTrack (this=0xb44c49f8, 
>> Type=ttSubtitle, Manual=false) at device.c:1052
>> #3  0x080be3b4 in cDevice::EnsureSubtitleTrack (this=0xb44c49f8) at 
>> device.c:1104
>> #4  0x080be58d in cDevice::SetAvailableTrack (this=0xb44c49f8, 
>> Type=ttSubtitle, Index=0, Id=131, Language=0x82529c8 "deu", Description=0x0) 
>> at device.c:984
>> #5  0x080bf0cb in cDevice::SetChannel (this=0xb44c49f8, Channel=0x82526c8, 
>> LiveView=true) at device.c:845
>> #6  0x080bf1ae in cDevice::SwitchChannel (this=0xb44c49f8, 
>> Channel=0x82526c8, LiveView=true) at device.c:735
>> #7  0x080a59bd in cChannels::SwitchTo (this=0x81a9880, Number=2) at 
>> channels.c:1201
>> #8  0x08158988 in main (argc=14, argv=0xbf993d34) at vdr.c:762
> Looks like Transferring() isn't set at that time and therefore a
> cLiveSubtitle instance is created although none is needed in
> transfer mode (which is the only way how my setup works).
>> 1048      if (currentSubtitleTrack != ttNone && !Replaying() && 
>> !Transferring()) {
>> 1049         const tTrackId *TrackId = GetTrack(currentSubtitleTrack);
>> 1050         if (TrackId && TrackId->id) {
>> 1051            liveSubtitle = new cLiveSubtitle(TrackId->id);
>> 1052            AttachReceiver(liveSubtitle);
>> 1053            }
>> 1054         }

SetChannel() in live mode triggers a Transfer-Mode, but that is actually
only started after SetChannel() has ended. Therefore, as you correctly
pointed out, Transferring is not yet set in EnsureSubtitleTrack().

Maybe the sequence

        if (!NeedsTransferMode)

should be changed to

        if (!NeedsTransferMode) {

Could you please test this?


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