Just to clarify one point:  How do you define the start of the transition
region?  Do you go from the 3 dB corner frequency, or something else, like
the equiripple bandwidth of the FIR filter?

On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 13:11, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 18/02/2025 21:45, Brendan Horsfield wrote:
> Point taken.  At this stage we are mainly interested in straight IQ
> recording & playback with minimal processing.  However, in the future it
> would be desirable to be able to display a real-time spectrum trace &
> waterfall plot during recording/playback, using GNU Radio or something like
> it.
> As you suggest, I am assuming our host machine will need a dual-10Gbe
> adaptor card and a high-spec CPU, memory, SSD etc.  This is a complex
> procurement exercise all by itself.
> My understanding (and I haven't played with them) is that NVME SSDs are
> among the fastest.   Performance up to a few GByte/Sec
>   on write is possible, although I don't know if it can be sustained  at
> those rates, or whether it's "bursty".
> I've been able to produce "real-time" spectral displays on 10yo dual-Xeon
> hardware at 100Msps, but only using the
>   kind of "stuttered" display approach that Gnu Radio FFT displays often
> use, where most of the data is discarded.  Often,
>   that's all that's needed to show a quick summary of the spectrum.
> On your other question, about transition bandwidth, I don't have a direct
> answer, but on an N310 I measured the roll-off
>   as a fraction of the overall bandwidth, and it is about 12.5%.  That
> doesn't necessarily translate to the X310, but the
>   DDC implementation is of the same generation.
> On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 10:58, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 18/02/2025 19:26, Brendan Horsfield wrote:
>> I thought your name sounded familiar! 🙂
>> Overall the X310+UBX-160 appears to be a good fit to our requirements.
>> My original question was really about ensuring that our host PC & network
>> interface have sufficient bandwidth to ingest the IQ data from a pair of
>> UBX-160s.  It would be nice (although not essential) if we could run one
>> channel at 100 Msps, and the other at 200 Msps, to reduce the bandwidth
>> requirements on the backend hardware.
>> You'd need to have separate streamers to support two different sample
>> rates, and two 10Gbe interfaces.
>> But in terms of "what kind of PC hardware do I need?". There's no
>> closed-form answer to that question.  There's no
>>   handy-dandy "engineering worksheet" that tells you how much "grunt" you
>> need for different DSP "flows" at
>>   a given sample-rate--so very much depends on what you're doing, and how
>> you're doing it.  Generally, as you scale up
>>   in sample-rate, you have to scale up in:
>>    o CPU base clock rate
>>    o Memory bandwidth
>>    o Number of CPUs
>> On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 10:17, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 18/02/2025 19:13, Brendan Horsfield wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion about the noise source -- that's what I would
>>> normally do.  Unfortunately I haven't actually purchased the hardware yet
>>> -- I was hoping to clarify this issue before raising a purchase order.
>>> Perhaps I should follow this up with one of the application engineers at
>>> NI?  They might have access to an X310+UBX-160 system that they can use to
>>> answer my question directly.
>>> Thanks again for your help in this matter.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brendan.
>>> I actually do work for NI on USRP devices (on a very very very part-time
>>> basis).  My X310 is currently elsewhere, and not populated
>>>   with a UBX-160.
>>> On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 09:55, Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 18/02/2025 18:45, Brendan Horsfield wrote:
>>>> Yes, I assumed that was the case.  However, it is not clear from the
>>>> X300 documentation how sharp those filters are.  Can you tell me how wide
>>>> the transition band is at the lower sample rates?
>>>> To give you some context, I would like to use an X300 (or X310) with a
>>>> UBX-160 daughterboard to digitise the entire 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band, which is
>>>> 83.5 MHz wide.  Ideally I would like to use a sample rate of 100 Msps to
>>>> minimise the data rate between the USRP and the host PC.  However, before I
>>>> do this I need to be certain that the usable bandwidth at this sample rate
>>>> will be greater than 83.5 MHz.  Is this information documented somewhere?
>>>> It somewhat depends on the decimation.  If the decimation has a factor
>>>> of two or 4, the edge roll-off is fairly sharp.  Otherwise,
>>>>   there's a half-band filter in-place that causes a less-desirable
>>>> pass-band.
>>>> But I don't know, precisely, what the transition band is in the "nicer"
>>>> filter shapes.
>>>> If you have an X310+UBX-160, you can always just use a noise source,
>>>> and measure it yourself to see if it's appropriate for
>>>>   your application.
>>>> On Tue, 18 Feb 2025 at 23:11, Marcus D Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> There will always be some edge roll off. Decimation includes filtering
>>>>> and those filters cannot be infinitely steep.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> > On Feb 18, 2025, at 2:12 AM, Brendan Horsfield <
>>>>> brendan.horsfi...@vectalabs.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > Hi All,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have a question about the usable bandwidth of the X300 USRP /
>>>>> UBX-160 daughterboard combo at sampling rates below 200 Msps:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > As I understand it, the UBX-160 receiver has an analog (hardware)
>>>>> filter before the ADC that limits the usable bandwidth to 160 MHz, while
>>>>> the ADC runs at 200 Msps.  Therefore the usable bandwidth is around 80% of
>>>>> the sample rate.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > My question is:  What is the usable bandwidth at lower sampling
>>>>> rates?  Does the 80% factor always apply?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > For example, if I set the decimation factor to 4, so that my
>>>>> sampling rate is 50 Msps, does this mean that the usable bandwidth will be
>>>>> 40 MHz?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks & Regards,
>>>>> > Brendan.
>>>>> >
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