Thanks :)
and: yeah, you've not seen the last of me :)
See you around,
(PS: We're moving GRCon closer to Canada. Sadly, wrong end, but still closer to Canada,
this year. Just north of Seattle. If we keep up this trend, GRCon'27 will be hosted by
CCERA at Carp. If we start convincing Neel now…)
On 30.12.24 20:03, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
On 30/12/2024 13:58, Marcus Müller wrote:
Hello USRP-Users,
when I started hanging around on this mailing list in 2013, I wouldn't have thought
that I'd still be around eleven years later.
But me asking about sporadic signal issues after retuning, which I would later be able
to attribute to the impulse response of the DC cancellation IIR filter in the N2x0 set
me on a course to, mostly out of boredom during lengthy commute, would start helping
people on this mailing list from memory and lecture of the GNU Radio, UHD (and
gateware) source code. It was that which in the end got me contracted as support
engineer for Ettus in spring 2014.
Since then I had the indubitable fun to play a small supporting role in so many
projects of users of USRPs – from university students doing theses, over engineers
getting demos to do what they want, to physicists controlling instruments or observing
the cosmos, to biologists working in the most diverse imaginable fields, and of course
the many, many communications engineers building fantastic systems from (both literal
and Shannon) bits and pieces!
Wouldn't want to miss that experience! So thank you all for being, subsuming
everything, the nicest user community a hardware/software vendor could wish for :) The
USRP series of devices will remain the class of devices I'm most intimately familiar
with – and I'm sure that even as NI/Emerson moved to higher priced segments and paid
support models, you will continue to do groundbreaking and infrastructure-upholding
work with them!
But: it's time for me to move on – this is going to be my last public email from an address.
Which doesn't mean I'll not be around; you'll still find me on the mailing list under
other addresses (see the Reply-To: of this message), and you might know that I already
kind of stuck with the GNU Radio project. My rent is still paid for by SDR system work,
and so you'll run into me at GRCon, you'll find me plastering the internet with
explanations of the strangest things.
Not to get to sentimental:
Keep on hacking the electromagnetic spectrum, never let your signal processing slow
down, and:
See you around,
Marcus Müller
Well, from one Marcus to another, thanks for hanging out for so many years, and see you
down the road a wee.
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