On 20/12/2024 13:44, frie...@free.fr wrote:
I am investigating chopping a signal with a fast track and hold to bring a
microwave signal to baseband without relying on a mixer (I can explain why
if needed but I'll skip this background part for the moment).
To achieve this result I would like to fit a BasicRX board installed in a X310
with a HMC760 [1] evaluation board, clocking the latter with the signal driving
the ADC in order to use the upper Nyquist zones and aliasing on purpose.
My questions:
* I am confused between https://files.ettus.com/schematics/x300/x3xx.pdf
page 4 which shows pin 11 of J3 as DB0_RX_CLK and pin13 which seems to be
(if I interpret the symbol correctly), and
which seems to connect J2 pin 11 to clk_p and pin 13 to clk_n leading to J38
2 and 3 I am connecting to => is this clock a balanced (differential) or
unbalanced signal?
Connecting 11-13 of the BasicRX to a Minicircuits T1-1T balun and watching the
signal is not very convincing, but neither is connecting a RF probe to pin 11
so I am confused with this signal (signal visible when the X310 is idle, a bit
noisy when the X310 is running an acquisition flowgraph)
* I understand that the X310 is sampling at 200 MS/s, but it seems that this
signal I am looking at is 100 MHz. Am I looking at the right signal for aliasing
a signal synchronously to the sampling, or should I be looking elsewhere?
Thanks, best wishes, Jean-Michel
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My understanding is that the clock signal fed to the daughter-cards is
typically some fraction of the master_clock
frequency, and is designed to provide a REF signal for synthesizers,
etc. It should be synchronized to the
ADC clocks, but won't necessarily be at the same frequency.
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