On 25/11/2024 09:12, Hamdüsena BİLGİ (BİLGEM) via USRP-users wrote:
Hello dear usrp users,
I want to write code using the UHD Python APIs, but I get an error
when I try to run import uhd. UHD works properly in GNU Radio, but
when I try to work with Python 3.8 from the terminal or in VSCode, I
encounter the following error. How can I resolve this issue?
*export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/:$PYTHONPATH*
Python 3.8.10
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import uhd
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'uhd'
The versions on the device are:
gnuradio-config-info --v
uhd_config_info --version
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.4.0; Boost_107100;
-- UHD Device 0
Device Address:
serial: 33CB10C
addr: <callto:>
claimed: False
fpga: 1G
mgmt_addr: <callto:>
name: ni-e320-33CB10C
product: e320
type: e3xx
python3 --version
Python 3.8.10
g++ --version
g++ (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0 <callto:20.04.2) 9.4.0>
How did you install UHD? The Python API for UHD is different from the
interface that Gnu Radio uses for UHD -- they're
different things.
When you build UHD, you have to configure it to build the direct Python
support for UHD. It's likely that didn't
happen when it was built.
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