Hi John,

On 20.11.24 08:45, johnhiggins...@gmail.com wrote:

I have few questions regarding B210.

1) Ettus recommends -15 dBm for the max input power. Is this power at the RF ports (i.e. RX-A/RX-B)?

yes, note though that this is "numbingly loud" to the receivers, so you might not be able to receive overly useful, but it's "still guaranteed to be damage free loud".

3) If my signal is guaranteed to be below -15dBm, can I set the B210 gain to its maximum, i.e. 76dB safely (except maybe ADC clipping) without damaging anything?

yes, but you will definitely be clipping all the time if you get anywhere close 
to -15dBm.

4) Is the 76dB gain solely due to the AD9361 or is there a separate LNA on B210?

See the schematic on http://files.ettus.com: You'll find a set of switches (including one to select the right band), a set of baluns (or rather, unbals) and then the AD9361

5) AD9361 is 12 bits, thus theoretically has 72dB dynamic range though in practice apparently it is around 60 dB. Although B210 is not calibrated after manufacturing what is the usual ballpark dBm level that corresponds to 0 dBFS level?

Depends on the gain you set, and the frequency you're working on. I wish I could give you a simple number or even just a graph over gain, but it's necessarily a two-parameter thing. You will have to measure.

At max gain, you'd expect full scale output to be achieved deeeeep in the 
negative dBm.

Best regards,
Marcus Müller
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