On 28/08/2024 12:13, ali siddig wrote:
Dear all,
I have tried to use the QPAK modulation and demodulation exapmle from
the tutorial in the link below. I am using two USRPs B205 as
transmitter and receiver, frequency 910MHz , sampling rate 300k or 1 M
sps. However, the received signal's constellation after Costas loop
are not synchronized (points everywhere in the constellation diagram).
Am I missing something i have to change in the usrp setting or
synchronization block?
Best regards,
Ali siddig
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This is more-properly a question for the discuss-gnuradio mailing list,
not here.
My guess is that you will also require some kind of FLL to track the
inevitable frequency differences between TX and RX. But
that's just a slightly-educated guess.
USRP-users mailing list -- usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
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