Dear Dexter,you can of course implement your own gain_impl for GR integration, but why would you do that if there is a generic implementation provided by GR that get's the job done?
Have a look at my original reply on the mailing list again (cited below): There I described how I instantiate a generic RFNoC block from gr-uhd/lib (uhd.rfnoc_block_generic <>) instead of a custom gain block implementation in gr-oot/lib; and use the concept of user properties to pass parameters. Properties are a very powerful and useful concept in RFNoC, not only to handle sampling rate changes (|PROP_KEY_SAMP_RATE|) but for any user parameter. This is also the mechanism most of the default blocks in gr-uhd use <>.
How does it connect to the FPGA?The third parameter of uhd.rfnoc_block_generic is the block name ("Gain"), and in the very bottom of gain_block_control.cpp <> the macro |UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER_DIRECT| is used to tell UHD, that a block with name "Gain" should use this block controller to connect to a certain NoC-ID. In the block controller you can then handles properties and pokes registers.
Kind regards Philipp
Generally, I found that using "|uhd.rfnoc_block_generic|" in combination with properties makes things a lot easier regarding bindings, since it means you need much less code and no custom Python bindings.In my_rfnoc_gain.block.yml <>:templates: imports:|- from gnuradio import uhd make:|- uhd.rfnoc_block_generic( self.rfnoc_graph, uhd.device_addr(""), "Gain", -1, # device_select -1, # instance_index ) self.${id}.set_property('gain', ${constant}) callbacks: -set_property('gain',${constant})And in gain_block_control.cpp <>|property_t<int> _prop_gain = property_t<int>(PROP_GAIN, DEFAULT_GAIN, {res_source_info::USER});|void_register_props(){ register_property(&_prop_gain); add_property_resolver({&_prop_gain}, {&_prop_gain}, [this](){ this->set_gain_value(this->_prop_gain.get()); }); } RFNOC_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTOR(gain_block_control){ _register_props(); } voidset_gain_value(constintgain){ //The gain block fromthe tutorial only supports integer gain values regs().poke32(REG_GAIN, (uint32_t)gain); } intget_gain_value(){ returnregs().peek32(REG_GAIN); }UHD_RFNOC_BLOCK_REGISTER_DIRECT(gain_block_control, 0xb16, "Gain", CLOCK_KEY_GRAPH, "bus_clk")
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *From:* Dexter Lee [] *Date:* Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 01:16 UTC+2 *Subject:* [USRP-users] Re: Building OOT RFNoC modules for GNURadio 3.10
Hi Phillip,Thank you for your post regarding the gain example for UHD 4 in the absence of RFNOCMODTOOL. I have been frustrated with this lately and your repo was immensely helpful.One question I had was how you were able to create the RFNOC block in GNU Radio Companion without the need for a “gain_impl.h” and “” under your lib directory. I know those are generated usually be RFNOCMODTOOL (screenshot below from UHD3), do we not need to create those for UHD4? Thank you! -Dexter
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