Hi Piotr,

from cursory reading this looks good to me. Things you could check:

if you have a fairly recent build from master, 
 adds a dot style print of the graph to TRACE when the graph is committed so 
you can verify whether it looks as expected. If you don't have TRACE enabled 
you can just call to_dot from graph after commit and then render the resulting 
host: add ability to query dot representation of graph · 
Current implementation only support dot representation of the graph topology. 
This adds the ability to also query the current graph layout. The method prints 
out connected blocks (including streame...

Another thing that you can check is property propagation. Do radios and DDC/DUC 
have the expected rates?

Besides that, could you provide a log output of your example run?




Lars Amsel
Principal Software Engineer
SW Discipline

+49351206931427<tel:+49351206931427>  |  ni.com<https://www.ni.com/>

[National Instruments is now NI.]


From: per...@o2.pl <per...@o2.pl>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2024 17:33
To: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
Subject: [USRP-users] How to put additional RFNoC block in Rx-Tx loopback?

Hello all,

RxTx loopback is a feature that was missing(/hard to do) in RFNoC before at 
least 4.0.

Currently it works and there are even nice examples showing how set it up, so 
one doesn’t have to figure this out. There are examples both in pure UHD 
 and GNU Radio 

I’m trying to go one step forward and to add an RFNoC block to the loop-back on 
USRP X410. For simplicity I’m starting from the rfnoc-example 
The graph I want to get working looks like this: 

I’ve build the rfnoc-example and I can confirm that it works with use of the 

Then I tried to change the rfnoc_radio_loopback.cpp to connect Gain block 
between DDC and DUC.

In order to achieve that I changed this part 

graph, rx_radio_ctrl_id, rx_chan, tx_radio_ctrl_id, tx_chan, skip_pp);

uhd::rfnoc::block_id_t gain_block_id("0/Gain#0");

rfnoc::example::gain_block_control::sptr gain_control =

graph, rx_radio_ctrl_id, rx_chan, gain_block_id, 0, skip_pp);

graph, gain_block_id, 0, tx_radio_ctrl_id, tx_chan, skip_pp);

and later I added a call to function that sets the digital gain:


Somehow I can’t get it working this way. The version without my change passes 
the signal. The version with it included doesn’t.

What might be wrong with this approach?

Best Regards,
Piotr Krysik

National Instruments Dresden GmbH; Geschäftsführer (Managing Directors): 
Sabrina Gilman, Kathleen Heard Spurck, Carl Schumacher; Sitz (Registered 
Office): Dresden; HRB (Commercial Register No.): 22081; Registergericht 
(Registration Court): Dresden

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