That alternate streaming target functionality re-emerged in later UHD versions for
RFNoC-supported devices.
On 05.05.24 17:35, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
On 05/05/2024 11:27, wrote:
I am wondering if it is possible to allow another host device to start a session with
an x410 after it already has a session with a different host device. In other words,
multiple devices sharing one USRP device at the same time.
I know it is possible to “hijack” a session to perform some mpm functions, but I would
like to stream separate channels on the x410 device across separate host devices.
I don't believe that there's any such feature built-in to UHD. The USRP N2xx has an
"alternative stream destination" API, but
that did not make it into future USRPs as far as I know.
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