Hi, I'm interested in using an X300 to repeat several 100 ms of >100 MHz
samples, a different signal on both channels, and my host computer can't
stream samples into the X300 continuously.

It would seem the RFNoC replay block could serve this need, but according to
a thread from Thomas Harder on a very similar question[1] some firmware
change is required. 

Thomas seems to have settled on the approach I can't use: his samples are
streamed continuously via 10G Ethernet.

If I understand properly, Rob Kossler's txarb block can serve this need, but
I can't find it published it anywhere. Do I have to recreate something
similar to do what I need?

More broadly, has anyone done this and/or have simpler solutions appeared in
the last few years?


[1]: transmitting on two channels with replay block, msg09472


Thank you,


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