ssh into the radio

run python


>>> import sys

>>> sys.path   

['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.7', 
'/usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages']

>>> quit()

For each path reported by sys.path, search for the gnuradio package, on my 
radio it shows up here:

root@ni-e31x-313C4FB:~# find /usr/lib/python3.7 -iname gnu\*












so either:

·         you don’t have gnuradio in site-packages

·         site-package/gnuradio isn’t in your Python path


I burned this image to my e310 literally in the last couple days, I used 
uhd_images_downloader and just burned whatever it gave me onto the SD card.  


I think it’s possible you could use Python/pip to install the gnuradio package 
directly from your ssh session – just like installing any Python package?






From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2024 4:04 AM
Subject: [USRP-users] Issues running generated GNU Radio ".py" file on E310 
(Embedded Mode)


I’m trying to run my “.py” file that I generated from GNU Radio (Host Laptop) 
onto my E310 (locally via SSH@root) but I'm getting a error saying:

"ImportError: No module named gnuradio". 

I’m currently using a newly flashed a SD image 
(e3xx_e310_sg3_sdimg_default-v4.4.0.0-rc1). From a version check it shows that 
both UHD and GNU Radio is installed on my E310 image. But for some reason it 
doesn’t recognize the gnuradio-companion command on terminal. Is there 
something I need to make this work? 

Current E310 Info/Version

SDR Image: e3xx_e310_sg3_sdimg_default-v4.4.0.0-rc1

GNU Radio: v

UHD: v4.4.0.0-0-g5fac246b

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