This behavior is also described as such in the documentation of the FPGA command queue
Regards Lars [NI]<> Lars Amsel Principal Software Engineer SW Discipline +49351206931427<tel:+49351206931427> |<> [National Instruments is now NI.] ________________________________ From: <> Sent: Monday, 18 March 2024 15:48 To: <> Subject: [USRP-users] Re: RFNOC Python API for timed GPIO You don't often get email from Learn why this is important<> After spending some time, I arrived at the following conclusions (thanks also to Jonathon Pendlum): a) “set_command_time()” and “clear_command_time()” are available in Python API of UHD 4.6, also for RFNOC interface. b) The non-intuitive part is that, given the following sequence of commands: 1) radio_control_block.set_command_time(radio_control_block.get_time_now() + 10, 0) 2) COMMAND_A 3) radio_control_block.clear_command_time(0) 4) COMMAND_B will make COMMAND_A to be executed after 10 seconds and COMMAND_B just after COMMAND_A. The Radio block (and all RFNoC blocks in general) has only one command FIFO. When a timed command is sent, it is put in the block's command FIFO and all subsequent commands (timed or untimed) will be blocked by that timed command. In this sense, "clear_command_time()" has no effect. I hope this will be useful for other users. National Instruments Dresden GmbH; Geschäftsführer (Managing Directors): John Stanton McElroy, Albert Edward Percival III, Kathleen Spurck; Sitz (Registered Office): Dresden; HRB (Commercial Register No.): 22081; Registergericht (Registration Court): Dresden This email and any attachments are intended only for the person to whom this email is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you received this email in error, please do not disclose the contents to anyone, but notify the sender by return email and delete this email (and any attachments) from your system.
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