
It may help to review "Table 2 - Ettus Research Daughterboard Characteristics” 
at https://kb.ettus.com/Selecting_a_RF_Daughterboard 

In short, BasicRX/LFRX can be configured for dual Rx. I’ve done this using the 
existing UHD image in an X310 to get 4 channel phase coherent reception in GNU 
Radio. But, LFTX and BasicTX boards can do only 1 Tx, so max of 2 Tx in an 
X310. Someone who knows RFNoC and Ettus gear could comment on what would need 
to change to accomplish your goal for Tx.


On Dec 18, 2023, at 12:51, German Farinas <german.fari...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello All,

I have a USRP x300 and I want to build my custom image. I would like to drive 
an array of 4 Tx/Rx antennas in the HF band for ionospheric research, i.e beam 
steering monostatic pulse radar.

This is my idea for a custom built:

Since I will use 4 daughterboards 2 LFTX and 2 LFRX mounted on the X300. Each 
LFTX or LFRX have 2 port that can be used independently or as a single I/Q 
input. I will use it independently. Then, I will have available 4 Rx ports and 
4 Tx ports. The Radio connections would be the following: 

For the receiver chain: Radio 0 port 0, Radio 0 port 1, Radio 0 port 2 and 
Radio 0 port 3 would be connected to an adder, the output of the adder to a DDC 
chain, and the output of the DDC chain to a streamer. In that way all 4 Rx 
signal would be summed before passing through the DDC chain and I would save 
space in FPGA. 

For the transmitter chain the only difference is that I would connect the 
output of the DUC to a delay line filter and from there extract the 4 outputs 
to the 4 Tx ports available on the daughterboards. This delay line should be 
configurable since from there I would change the steering of the beam.

Also I would like to use only one 1Gb Ethernet and not both, so I could save 
FPGA space. In summary this would be the rfnoc blocks: 2 Radio interfaces, 1 
DDC, 1DUC, 1 custom delay line block, and only 1Gb interface. I think this may 
occupy less space than the default image.  One of the many doubts that I have 
is about the radio interfaces, in the default image these radio interfaces have 
only 2 port, for example Radio 0:0 and Radio 0:1, but I would need also Radio 
0:2 and Radio 0:3. The same for Radio 1: 0 to 3. Because I will use all the 
ports availables in the doughterboards.

I know this is a general and tricky question and I apologize in advance. But 
any any help would be very appreciated.


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