On 17/05/2023 02:51, cjohn...@serranosystems.com wrote:
My understanding is that remote streaming is available in UHD>=4.3 via:
However, I can not get it working using the example python scripts
provided, and also programmatically via C++.
I am using USRP-2974 with UHD host @, USRP @, and I created a secondary ethernet interface (linux)
with address on the same interface (network) as UHD host.
Ultimately I want to do this with C++, but I tried it with the example
“remote_rx.py” to rule out problems with my code.
Can you help me figure out why this doesn’t work?
Can you confirm IP connectivity between the desired alternative
destination and the USRP (via ping, for example)??
Do you actually have something listening on port 54321? Do your
firewall rules block it?
—————-Below using python scripts 1st attempt:————————————————————-
cjohnson@demo:~/ettus_repo/uhd/host/examples/python$ ./remote_rx.py
--rate=200e6 --freq=1223e6 --gain=20 --dest-addr=
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400;
[INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence...
[INFO] [X300] Maximum frame size: 8000 bytes.
[INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: LC_XO, Firmware Rev 0.929a
[INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock: 200 MHz
Requesting sampling rate 200.0 Msps...
Using sampling rate: 200.0 Msps.
Requesting center frequency 1223.0 MHz...
Actual center frequency: 1223.0000032784735 MHz.
Requesting gain 20.0 dB...
Actual gain: 20.0 dB.
Selected 0 RX channels.
Remote Streaming UHD 4.4 on USRP-2974Generating RX streamer object...
[ERROR] [RFNOC::LSM] Cannot identify transport adapter 0 on route to
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 122, in <module>
line 102, in main
rx_streamer = usrp.get_rx_stream(stream_args)
RuntimeError: RuntimeError: Cannot identify transport adapter 0 on
route to EPID 3
—————-Below using python scripts 2nd attempt:————————————————————-
cjohnson@demo:~/ettus_repo/uhd/host/examples/python$ ./remote_rx.py
--rate=200e6 --freq=1223e6 --gain=20 --dest-addr=
--dest-port=54321 --adapter=sfp1
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400;
[INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence...
[INFO] [X300] Maximum frame size: 8000 bytes.
[INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: LC_XO, Firmware Rev 0.929a
[INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock: 200 MHz
Requesting sampling rate 200.0 Msps...
Using sampling rate: 200.0 Msps.
Requesting center frequency 1223.0 MHz...
Actual center frequency: 1223.0000032784735 MHz.
Requesting gain 20.0 dB...
Actual gain: 20.0 dB.
Selected 0 RX channels.
Generating RX streamer object...
[ERROR] [RFNOC::LSM] Requested remote UDP streaming, but transport
adapter sfp1 does not support it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 122, in <module>
line 102, in main
rx_streamer = usrp.get_rx_stream(stream_args)
RuntimeError: RuntimeError: Requested remote UDP streaming, but
transport adapter sfp1 does not support it!
—————-Below using c++ attempt:————————————————————-
Got the following errors after setting some variables and running on
the command line. Below is the code and the associated error.
stream_args.args = "dest_addr="; // Gives error "Error:
ValueError: Missing `dest_port' argument for remote streaming
stream_args.args = "dest_addr=,dest_port=12345"; // Setup
second interface on host. Gives error "[ERROR] [RFNOC::LSM] Cannot
identify transport adapter 0 on route to EPID 3"
stream_args.args =
"adapter=sfp1,dest_addr=,dest_port=12345"; // Gives error
"[ERROR] [RFNOC::LSM] Requested remote UDP streaming, but transport
adapter sfp1 does not support it!"
—————-Configuration using probe:————————————————————-
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400;
[INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence...
[INFO] [X300] Maximum frame size: 8000 bytes.
[INFO] [GPS] Found an internal GPSDO: LC_XO, Firmware Rev 0.929a
[INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock: 200 MHz
| Device: X-Series Device
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | Mboard: X310
| | revision: 12
| | revision_compat: 7
| | product: 30810
| | mac-addr0: 00:80:2f:22:72:89
| | mac-addr1: 00:80:2f:22:72:8a
| | gateway:
| | ip-addr0:
| | subnet0:
| | ip-addr1:
| | subnet1:
| | ip-addr2:
| | subnet2:
| | ip-addr3:
| | subnet3:
| | serial: 3166635
| | FW Version: 6.0
| | FPGA Version: 39.0
| | FPGA git hash: fffffff-dirty
| | RFNoC capable: Yes
| |
| | Time sources: internal, external, gpsdo
| | Clock sources: internal, external, gpsdo
| | Sensors: gps_servo, gps_time, gps_locked, gps_gprmc, gps_gpgga,
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | RFNoC blocks on this device:
| |
| | * 0/DDC#0
| | * 0/DDC#1
| | * 0/DUC#0
| | * 0/DUC#1
| | * 0/Radio#0
| | * 0/Radio#1
| | * 0/Replay#0
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | Static connections on this device:
| |
| | * 0/SEP#0:0==>0/DUC#0:0
| | * 0/DUC#0:0==>0/Radio#0:0
| | * 0/Radio#0:0==>0/DDC#0:0
| | * 0/DDC#0:0==>0/SEP#0:0
| | * 0/Radio#0:1==>0/DDC#0:1Remote Streaming UHD 4.4 on USRP-2974
| | * 0/DDC#0:1==>0/SEP#1:0
| | * 0/SEP#2:0==>0/DUC#1:0
| | * 0/DUC#1:0==>0/Radio#1:0
| | * 0/Radio#1:0==>0/DDC#1:0
| | * 0/DDC#1:0==>0/SEP#2:0
| | * 0/Radio#1:1==>0/DDC#1:1
| | * 0/DDC#1:1==>0/SEP#3:0
| | * 0/SEP#4:0==>0/Replay#0:0
| | * 0/Replay#0:0==>0/SEP#4:0
| | * 0/SEP#5:0==>0/Replay#0:1
| | * 0/Replay#0:1==>0/SEP#5:0
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | TX Dboard: 0/Radio#0
| | ID: UBX-TDD (0x0202)
| | Serial: 3167155
| | Revision: 2
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | TX Frontend: 0
| | | Name: UBX TX
| | | Antennas: TX/RX, CAL
| | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | Freq range: 10.000 to 6000.000 MHz
| | | Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 31.5 step 0.5 dB
| | | Bandwidth range: 160000000.0 to 160000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | Connection Type: QI
| | | Uses LO offset: No
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | RX Dboard: 0/Radio#0
| | ID: UBX-TDD (0x0203)
| | Serial: 3167155
| | Revision: 2
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX Frontend: 0
| | | Name: UBX RX
| | | Antennas: TX/RX, RX2, CAL
| | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | Freq range: 10.000 to 6000.000 MHz
| | | Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 31.5 step 0.5 dB
| | | Bandwidth range: 160000000.0 to 160000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | Uses LO offset: No
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | TX Dboard: 0/Radio#1
| | ID: UBX-TDD (0x0202)
| | Serial: 3167159
| | Revision: 2
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | TX Frontend: 0
| | | Name: UBX TX
| | | Antennas: TX/RX, CAL
| | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | Freq range: 10.000 to 6000.000 MHz
| | | Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 31.5 step 0.5 dB
| | | Bandwidth range: 160000000.0 to 160000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | Connection Type: QI
| | | Uses LO offset: No
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | RX Dboard: 0/Radio#1
| | ID: UBX-TDD (0x0203)
| | Serial: 3167159
| | Revision: 2
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX Frontend: 0
| | | Name: UBX RX
| | | Antennas: TX/RX, RX2, CAL
| | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | Freq range: 10.000 to 6000.000 MHz
| | | Gain range PGA0: 0.0 to 31.5 step 0.5 dB
| | | Bandwidth range: 160000000.0 to 160000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | Uses LO offset: No
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