I've also struggled against stubborn TX underrun issues and have had some 
success using dedicated CPU cores to make large improvements. My configuration 
is quite different than yours, but perhaps this'll be a helpful lead.

I have a custom multithreaded application that manages four E320 radios from a 
single server using the UHD multi_usrp API. I stream continuously and 
simultaneously from all four radios in both directions at 10 Msps (each 
direction on a different radio channel). The host server is a Dell R340 with 12 
cores, 64GB RAM, and a quad-port PCIe network card that has direct 1GbE links 
to the SFP+ port on each of the E320 radios. It runs Ubuntu Server 20.04 (no 
desktop environment). My application threads' loops that handle the streamers 
are pretty lean, and any file I/O is done to a ramdisk partition.

Initially I tried elevating my TX thread to RTPRIO and increased the number of 
UHD transport frames, but still couldn't reach an hour of runtime without an 
underrun. Although I had plenty of unused compute capacity, switching my TX 
thread to use an isolated core ended up making a big difference. I speculate 
that occasionally something was just holding my ready-state thread from getting 
on the CPU in time.

I'm using both the "isolcpus" and "nohz_full" kernel boot parameters. None of 
the default Ubuntu kernels ship with support for nohz_full (not even the 
lowlatency kernel), so I need to rebuild the kernel with CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL 
enabled. The isolcpus parameter prevents the kernel from using the core for its 
normal userspace process scheduler. The nohz_full parameter further offloads 
most kernel work from being done on the core (principally system tick handling, 
thus the name, but it also keeps most other kernel load off the core).

In my application I assign my TX thread to this dedicated core using a call to 
"uhd::set_thread_affinity({core_number})". After this change, I was able to run 
all four radios continuously for a little over 9 hours until an underrun 
occurred. Using system logs, I was able to determine that underrun occurred 
precisely when an overnight Ubuntu cron job launched to update packages, which 
caused systemd to restart some things. I've since disabled that cron job and 
intend to do another long test soon, but I haven't had a chance to circle back 
to it recently.

I found this to be a useful primer: 

Hope this in some way helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Schatzman <james.schatz...@futurelabusa.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 6:51 PM
> To: Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>
> Cc: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
> Subject: [USRP-users] Re: configuring X410 USRP to work with higher
> sampling frequency/band width
> Re. "the Linux in the Zynq is out of the picture." That is interesting. Yes, 
> my
> comment was based on the radio's Linux OS reporting dropped UDP packets
> for the 10 Gbit interface.  It sounds like you are saying that has nothing to 
> do
> with UDP packets on the interface. Confusing...
> If there really are no dropped packets then an underrun seems to imply that
> the radio thinks it is not getting data from the host in the required timely
> manner.
> If the radio is dropping packets then it seems that could be the explanation
> for the underrun condition, although we have no idea why the radio would
> be dropping UDP packets.
> At the time this underrun occurs, we find no evidence of an issue on the host
> side.
> a) There is nothing in the host Linux system log indicating that anything
> loggable occured at or around the time of the undderrun.
> b) The modified host application specifically monitors for the condition that 
> it
> does not have data available at the time data is to be send to the radio. This
> condition never occurs.
> At 10:34 AM 4/25/2023, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> >On 25/04/2023 12:30, James Schatzman wrote:
> >>I don't know if this is new information but we have observed some
> >>additional behaviors:
> >>
> >>1) The radio reports dropped UDP packets. Why is it dropping them?
> >How are you determining this?  For streaming, the Linux in the Zynq is
> entirely out of the picture.
> >
> >>
> >>2) At least part of the time, the radio's fan kicks into high speed
> >>seemingingly at the same moment that the under-run occurs. I have no
> >>information about how it controls the fan so this is mysterious.
> >That is an interesting tidbit, but I honestly don't know what it means.
> >
> >
> >>
> >>Jim
> >>
> >>
> >>On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 12:20:45PM -0400, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> >>>On 25/04/2023 10:34, Jim Schatzman wrote:
> >>>>We have been working with N310 and N321 radios. It seems very
> difficult to get long term continuous operation without under-runs even at
> the seemingly very low data rate of 12.5 Msps.
> >>>>
> >>>>Currently we are trying various firmware versions, changing buffer
> sizes, etc., but so far nothing has gotten the radios to work consistently for
> several hours without under-runs. One run might go for 3 hours without
> failure. The next attempt under-runs after 10 minutes. It is very erratic. Our
> next attempt will be to implement an input FIFO.
> >>>>
> >>>>The configurations have direct connections between a fast host
> (Ubuntu with unnecessary services including Network Manager disabled or
> removed), and the radio with 10 Gbit and frame size of 9000. Without using
> jumbo frames the behavior was far worse.
> >>>>
> >>>>Any other ideas??
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks-
> >>>>Jim
> >>>>
> >>>Something you could try in terms of isolating root cause is to use
> >>>the "benchmark_rate" example application, and  Â  configure it using
> >>>the --duration option for a very long run and use --tx_rate to cause
> >>>it to only do a TX test.
> >>>
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