On 24/04/2023 20:17, nrie...@serranosystems.com wrote:

Thank you, Marcus. The subscription to the multicast UDP should not be an issue, we’re Linux-based and the IP stack will take care of the IGMP functions.

My concern is if there is something within UHD that would prevent us from using a multicast destination IP address. Obviously flow control is not going to work with multicast, but I’m hoping everything else is OK.

I think it would depend on how "knowledgeable" the (very very thin) IP/UDP stack is on the X310--it's all done in the FPGA, so   it's not likely to care much what IP address you give it. Although, thinking about it, it may not be "smart" enough to   send the multi-cast packets as ethernet multicasts.  Like I said, the IP stack on these devices is very very "thin".

If it were my problem, I'd designate a host to receive all the traffic in the usual fashion, and multi-cast it outwards to
  the other participants.

Your point about decoding the CHDR packets is well taken.



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