On 24/04/2023 19:19, nrie...@serranosystems.com wrote:


We would like to have several workstations processing data from a single X300 or X310 USRP.

Does UHD support streaming to a multicast destination with the X300/X310 devices?

What needs to be done on the “remote” devices to receive the multicast data? There is a description of setting up remote streaming (with unicast data) here: https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_stream.html#stream_remote

However, it is not clear from the description what should be run on the remote devices to actually receive the data.

Thank you!

Neal Riedel

You'd likely need to write your own code to pick apart the CHDR packets.

They'd be sent via UDP to the desired multi-cast address.

How to actually "subscribe" to a multi-cast group is OS dependent, and utterly outside of what UHD knows how to do as
  far as I know.

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