Hello, after having had two X410 devices in idle mode, they now show this error (both show exactly the same error pattern, that's why I exclude a hardware error):
root@NE-LAB-X410-03:~# uhd_usrp_probe --args=addr=localhost [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.2.0; Boost_107100; UHD_4.4.0.0-68-g02558b69 [INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args: mgmt_addr=,type=e3xx,product=e320,serial=FA4EDE7,name=NE-LAB-X410-03,fpga=n/a,claimed=False,addr=localhost [WARNING] [MPM.PeriphManager] get_device_info_dyn() - FPGA functionality not implemented yet [WARNING] [MPMD::XPORT::UDP] Cannot create UDP link to device: The IP address `localhost' is requested, but not reachable. [ERROR] [MPMD::MB_IFACE] No CHDR connection available! [INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] init() called with device args `fpga=n/a,mgmt_addr=,name=NE-LAB-X410-03,product=e320'. [WARNING] [MPM.PeriphManager.UDP] No internal interface to forward CHDR packets to from lo. [WARNING] [MPM.PeriphManager.UDP] No internal interface to forward CHDR packets to from eth0. Error: RuntimeError: No CHDR connection available! root@NE-LAB-X410-03:~# Note, that the USRP reports itself as e320. I tried restarting the USRP, and changing the FPGA image: root@NE-LAB-X410-03:~# uhd_image_loader --args type=x4xx,mgmt_addr=,fpga=X4_200 [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.2.0; Boost_107100; UHD_4.4.0.0-68-g02558b69 No applicable UHD devices found[ERROR] [MPMD IMAGE LOADER] mpmd_image_loader only supports a single device. Moreover, I cannot update the file system, as it crashes as: root@NE-LAB-X410-03:~# usrp_update_fs -t master /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/usrp_mpm/rpc_server.py:25: MonkeyPatchWarning: Monkey-patching ssl after ssl has already been imported may lead to errors, including RecursionError on Python 3.6. It may also silently lead to incorrect behaviour on Python 3.7. Please monkey-patch earlier. See https://github.com/gevent/gevent/issues/1016. Modules that had direct imports (NOT patched): ['urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl (/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py)']. monkey.patch_all() Downloading manifest file from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EttusResearch/uhd/master/images/manifest.txt... Error: Unexpected exception caught! 'sim' <class 'KeyError'> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/usrp_update_fs", line 190, in main return run() File "/usr/bin/usrp_update_fs", line 162, in run mender_image = prepare_image(args.device_type, args) File "/usr/bin/usrp_update_fs", line 136, in prepare_image download_image(device_type, manifest_path) File "/usr/bin/usrp_update_fs", line 87, in download_image '-t', DEFAULT_MENDER_TARGET[device_type], KeyError: 'sim' root@NE-LAB-X410-03:~# (Note, that I have adjusted the update script to print the exception traceback). Apparently, the device seems to be in `sim` mode, whatever that means. Earlier, before I restarted (that was the reason for rebooting in the first place), the UHD driver showed these cryptic messages: Apr 24 09:34:22 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: [MPM.PeriphManager] [INFO] init() called with device args `fpga=X4_200,mgmt_addr=127 .0.0.1,name=NE-LAB-X410-03,product=x410,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal'. Apr 24 09:34:23 NE-LAB-X410-03 bash[25716]: [INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] init() called with device args `fpga=X4_200,mgmt_addr=,name=NE-LAB-X410-03,product=x410,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal'. Apr 24 09:34:25 NE-LAB-X410-03 bash[25716]: [WARNING] [0/Radio#0] Attempting to set tick rate to 0. Skipping. Apr 24 09:34:25 NE-LAB-X410-03 bash[25716]: [WARNING] [0/Replay#0] Requested packet size exceeds MTU! Coercing to 1500 Apr 24 09:34:25 NE-LAB-X410-03 bash[25716]: [WARNING] [0/Replay#0] Requested packet size exceeds MTU! Coercing to 1500 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 systemd-journald[149]: Forwarding to syslog missed 27 messages. Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: DTC Scan T1 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: ADC0: 000000000000001113222220000000000000000000000000*00000000000 0000#000000000011113222200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: ADC2: 000000000000000000000001111222220000000000000000#00000000*0000000000000000000000000011112222200000000000000000000000000000000000 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: ADC0: Marker: - 76, 0 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: ADC2: Marker: - 76, 4 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: SysRef period in terms of ADC T1s = 1152 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: ADC target latency = 1228 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: DTC Scan T1 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: DAC0: 000000000000000000000111122222200000000000000000000000000*00 0000#000000000000000000011132222200000000000000000000000000000000000 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: DAC1: 000000000000000000000000001111222222000000000000000000000#00 0*000000000000000000000000001111222220000000000000000000000000000000 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: DAC0: Marker: - 51, 0 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: DAC1: Marker: - 51, 0 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: SysRef period in terms of DAC T1s = 2304 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: info: DAC target latency = 800 Apr 24 09:35:42 NE-LAB-X410-03 usrp_hwd.py[263]: metal: error: Error : DAC alignment target latency of 816 < minimum possible 816 What shall I do to debug this problem? Thank you, Max Maximilian Matthe Head of Engineering Lab maximilian.mat...@barkhauseninstitut.org Tel.: +49 173 4509667 Barkhausen Institut www.barkhauseninstitut.org Barkhausen Institut gGmbH | Sitz: Würzburger Straße 46, 01187 Dresden, Germany | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 37267 | Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, Dr. Tim Hentschel | Vorsitzende der Gesellschafterdelegation: Dr. Undine Krätzig Hinweise zum Datenschutz und zur Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten finden Sie unter: https://barkhauseninstitut.org/data-privacy This email and any attachments are intended only for the person to whom this email is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you received this email in error, please do not disclose the contents to anyone, but notify the sender by return email and delete this email (and any attachments) from your system. 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