Hi all,

I have a problem trying to power up the USRP E320.

When I push the power button, the power led doesn't light up and the eth
leds blink for a few seconds and then shut down. This is not the first time
this has happened to an E320 device (for the other cases I recovered them
by pushing the button longer or enter to the serial port to reboot) but now
it seems like trying the things I did before does not work.
I connect the serial port to my PC and see this every time I push the

- ARM CPU (stuck in that step)
[image: image.png]
- Microcontroller:
[image: c5f7ed4f-ad15-4a5c-b126-28bed47bb253.png]

The ARM CPU does not allow me to log in, but from the microcontroller, I
can run commands. I try to reboot the device from it, but it always says
this line:
[image: image.png]

Is this a known issue? I haven't tried anything strange, I always shut them
from the ssh connection so this happens by chance. I'm sure it is not
broken just stuck in the boot state, but I don't know which are the right
steps to start it up.
Any help will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
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