On 03/04/2023 05:22, Federico Civerchia wrote:
Hi Marcus,
thank your for your answer and sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I mean host CPU frequency. I was wondering how I can get the
<inherent-complexity-per-sample>. Do you have any hints on this or
provide me with an example?
If we consider an application that simply gather/transmit the data
from/to USRP without adding any particular processing (something like
a loopback application), what is the complexity to play with the
samples? May ARM processors, with low frequency such as 1.4GHz, handle
the stream without showing RT issues?
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
I cannot tell you precisely how many instructions are required to
conduct any given task.
What most people do is use an application like "top" on Linux to monitor
the CPU usage when their application is running.
Just the basics of getting samples into and out of your application may,
on average, take dozens or even hundreds of instructions
per sample. There's drivers in the operating-system kernel, and the
layers of library (UHD) that are involved as well.
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