Dear team,
I am using usrpB210 vdoing some test ,uhd version is (tag: v4.4.0.0). when I was connected the board ,I am getting below error please help me to resolve the issue. PHY] Waiting for RUs to be configured ... RC.ru_mask:01 [PHY] [INIT] nr_phy_init_RU() ru->num_gNB:1 [LIBCONFIG] device.recplay: 8/8 parameters successfully set, (8 to default value) [LIBCONFIG] device: 1/1 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value) [LIBCONFIG] loader: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (2 to default value) [LIBCONFIG] loader.oai_device: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value) shlib_path [LOADER] library successfully loaded [HW] openair0_cfg[0].sdr_addrs == '(null)' [HW] openair0_cfg[0].clock_source == '0' (internal = 0, external = 1) [HW] UHD version 4.4.0.HEAD-0-g5fac246b (4.4.0) [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 11.3.0; Boost_107400; UHD_4.4.0.HEAD-0-g5fac246b [INFO] [B200] Loading firmware image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_b200_fw.hex... [HW] Found USRP b200 [INFO] [B200] Detected Device: B210 [INFO] [B200] Loading FPGA image: /usr/local/share/uhd/images/usrp_b210_fpga.bin... [INFO] [B200] Operating over USB 3. [INFO] [B200] Detecting internal GPSDO.... [INFO] [GPS] No GPSDO found [INFO] [B200] Initialize CODEC control... [INFO] [B200] Initialize Radio control... [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test... [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed [INFO] [B200] Performing register loopback test... [INFO] [B200] Register loopback test passed [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 30.720000 MHz... [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 30.720000 MHz. [HW] Setting clock source to internal [HW] Setting time source to internal -- Using calibration table: calib_table_b210_38 [INFO] [B200] Asking for clock rate 46.080000 MHz... [INFO] [B200] Actually got clock rate 46.080000 MHz. [WARNING] [CORES] Timer loopback test failed! [WARNING] [CORES] Expecting clock rate: 46.08 MHz Approximate clock rate: 0 MHz [HW] cal 0: freq 3500000000.000000, offset 44.000000, diff 119200000.000000 [HW] cal 1: freq 2660000000.000000, offset 49.800000, diff 959200000.000000 [HW] cal 2: freq 2300000000.000000, offset 51.000000, diff 1319200000.000000 [HW] cal 3: freq 1880000000.000000, offset 53.000000, diff 1739200000.000000 [HW] cal 4: freq 816000000.000000, offset 57.000000, diff 2803200000.000000 [HW] RX Gain 0 115.000000 (44.000000) => 71.000000 (max 76.000000) [HW] USRP TX_GAIN:77.75 gain_range:89.75 tx_gain:12.00 [HW] Actual master clock: 46.080000MHz... [HW] Actual clock source internal... [HW] Actual time source internal... [HW] setting rx channel 0 [HW] RF board max packet size 1916, size for 100µs jitter 4608 [HW] rx_max_num_samps 1916 [HW] RX Channel 0 [HW] Actual RX sample rate: 46.080000MSps... [HW] Actual RX frequency: 3.619200GHz... [HW] Actual RX gain: 71.000000... [HW] Actual RX bandwidth: 40.000000M... [HW] Actual RX antenna: RX2... [HW] TX Channel 0 [HW] Actual TX sample rate: 46.080000MSps... [HW] Actual TX frequency: 3.619200GHz... [HW] Actual TX gain: 77.750000... [HW] Actual TX bandwidth: 40.000000M... [HW] Actual TX antenna: TX/RX... [HW] Actual TX packet size: 1916 Using Device: Single USRP: Device: B-Series Device Mboard 0: B210 RX Channel: 0 RX DSP: 0 RX Dboard: A RX Subdev: FE-RX2 RX Channel: 1 RX DSP: 1 RX Dboard: A RX Subdev: FE-RX1 TX Channel: 0 TX DSP: 0 TX Dboard: A TX Subdev: FE-TX2 TX Channel: 1 TX DSP: 1 TX Dboard: A TX Subdev: FE-TX1 [HW] Device timestamp: 1.168859... [HW] [RAU] has loaded USRP B200 device. setup_RU_buffers: frame_parms = 0x7f771c2af010 [PHY] RU 0 Setting N_TA_offset to 600 samples (factor 1.500000, UL Freq 3600120, N_RB 106, mu 1) [PHY] Signaling main thread that RU 0 is ready, sl_ahead 6 waiting for sync (ru_thread,-1/0x555dd422f2d4,0x555dd4b7e4c0,0x555dd4b7e480) RC.ru_mask:00 [PHY] RUs configured ALL RUs READY! RC.nb_RU:1 ALL RUs ready - init gNBs Not NFAPI mode - call init_eNB_afterRU() [PHY] init_eNB_afterRU() RC.nb_nr_inst:1 [PHY] RC.nb_nr_CC[inst:0]:0x7f771bd75010 [PHY] [gNB 0] phy_init_nr_gNB() About to wait for gNB to be configured [LIBCONFIG] loader.dfts: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value) shlib_path [LOADER] library successfully loaded [LIBCONFIG] loader.ldpc: 2/2 parameters successfully set, (1 to default value) shlib_path [LOADER] library successfully loaded [PHY] Initialise nr transport [PHY] Mapping RX ports from 1 RUs to gNB 0 [PHY] gNB->num_RU:1 [PHY] Attaching RU 0 antenna 0 to gNB antenna 0 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 create a thread for core -1 waiting for sync (L1_stats_thread,-1/0x555dd422f2d4,0x555dd4b7e4c0,0x555dd4b7e480) [PHY] Creating thread for TX reordering and dispatching to RU ALL RUs ready - ALL gNBs ready Sending sync to all threads Entering ITTI signals handler TYPE <CTRL-C> TO TERMINATE got sync (L1_stats_thread) got sync (ru_thread) [HW] current pps at 2.000000, starting streaming at 3.000000 [PHY] RU 0 rf device ready [PHY] RU 0 RF started opp_enabled 0 sleep... Please let me know any other details required Regards, Sivaneshkumar K Mobiveil INC., CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain proprietary confidential or privileged information or otherwise be protected by law. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and destroy all copies and the original message.
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