On 15/02/2023 12:16, Maxim Belotserkovsky wrote:
Can anyone please comment on the following:


    1) Can 2 ( ormore )instances of B-series (or other Ettus) SDRs be
    supported by a SINGLE GR flowgraph (e.g.one for TX chain, another
    for RX)? Can 2 independent devices hooked up to 2 USB ports talk
    to 2 instances of the UHD driver on the same machine (under

Yes, you can have multiple USRP devices in a single flow-graph.  For B2xx series, they would have to be in separate   source/sink block instances.  But in the *general* case, with something like the N2xx or X3xx devices, you can have   all devices in the same source/sink block.   Collections of different types of devices within the same source/sink block
  aren't supported.



    2)Is UHD able to be run on an Android device and control a USRP
    SDR (using USB OTG, for example)? If not, are there other ways to
    have an Androidapp control the USRP SDR in real time?

There is no port of UHD to Android that I know of.



    3) Custom B200 firmware: if I program the FPGA over USB (using
    Xilinx HW manager), will the image persist if I turnoff power to
    device (I.e.disconnect USB)? In other words, is there a FLASH or
    some other persistent storage on-board to hold on to user-defined
    FPGA firmware after power-down?

There's insufficient FLASH onboard the B2xx devices to support a persistent FPGA image.



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