On Thu, Jan 5, 2023 at 7:46 PM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Before RFNoC 4.0, there was a generic NoC shell that was used instead of one 
> being generated for each of the blocks.
> I see there is a noc_shell_generic_ctrlport_pyld_chdr, but it isn't used 
> anywhere.
> Is there a reason that a generic one isn't utilized and that ones are being 
> generated individually for each block?

With RFNoC 4.0, you have various options for which interface you would
like for payload data and packet context data. These options, which
are in the block XML file, determine which signals get passed in and
out of your block.  So, the reason it is custom is to handle the
variety of interface options.
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