Are there any restrictions, or known issues, with changing the sample rate on an N320 while it is running? While debugging an issue in our application, we noticed that we can toggle between two sample rates and get the n320 to lock up. What I mean is that the N320 is still responsive to commands, and seems to continuously accept the new sample rate changes, but nothing is streaming out (just the ~62B UDP packets). At that point the only thing I can do is to close down the software for the N320 and start it back up again (a reboot isn't needed). If I only toggle once every 5s, I can get it to occur, so I don't think it is a matter of issuing the commands to rapidly. It also seems random in that one time it can occur on the 10th transition, and then the 148th transition the next time.
The really odd thing to me is that is if I do something like toggle between 3.125Msps and 100Msps, the lock-up ALWAYS (like 100/100) occurs when the command is issued to transition from the lower sample rate to the higher one. It also seems to be more prevalent when doing a larger jump (like the example above) vs a smaller just (like 3.125 to 6.5), but I might be fooling myself on that one. These are N320 with master clocks of 200MHz. UHD and XG images.
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