Hi All,
I'm trying to make a custom OOT block for rfnoc4.
I already went through the synthesis of the stock rfnoc firmware, as well as 
the gain example: all works well on my x300.
I added some custom logic in the gain example's verilog and I am quite 
satisfied with the results.

The next step for me is to integrate a more complex design that includes 
CORDICs, FFTs and other IPs from Xilinx.
To do that, I plan to develop a block design in Vivado and pass it to the rfnoc 

I'd like to know if you attempted this workflow and if there is a guide of some 
sort for getting started.

Right now, I am quite lost.

  1.  The IPs that Vivado generate have an AXI interface, I suspect I cannot 
directly reproduce the steps to implement the gain block.
  2.  Once I have my top module, how do I integrate it in the rfnoc workflow?

A basic example of the gain block (or even an empty pass-through block) 
implemented via the Vivado block design technique would be really appreciated.

I work for a non-profit research institution (Caltech); all my results will be 
available under some open-source license. My plan is also to release a guide 
that documents how I developed the firmware.


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