
Thanks for the reply. I traced it to the “recv” call which has left me puzzled. 
I added a bunch of instrumentation to see if I was walking off the end of my 
memory that was allocated to the 16-bit I/Q buffer.

`const std::int32_t startIndex = 2*num_accum_samps;`

`const std::int32_t remainingSize = 2*sampleLength-(2*num_accum_samps);`

`std::cout << "iq[" << startIndex << "] = " << iq[startIndex];`

`std::cout << "\t" << remainingSize;`

`std::cout << "\t" << startIndex + remainingSize;`

`std::cout << "\t" << bufferSize << std::endl;`

`num_accum_samps += rx_stream->recv(&iq[startIndex], remainingSize, meta, 5.0, 

And I can get it to faithfully crash every single time when I don’t pad my 
array of 16-bit integers by an additional 2165 int16s. I included some output 
indicating where I’ve specified as the start of the buffer for it to write to, 
followed by the remaining size, followed by the sum of the two just to make 
sure I can math, and finally the actual reserved buffer size plus the pad of 
2164 int16s.


`iq[1180480] = 0        19520   1200000 1202164`

`iq[1185920] = 0        14080   1200000 1202164`

`iq[1191360] = 0        8640    1200000 1202164`

`iq[1196800] = 0        3200    1200000 1202164`

`Segmentation fault (core dumped)`

If you’ll notice, I’ve specified for it to start at index 1196800 and that the 
number of samples per buffer being passed to recv() is 3200. I think I’m just 
being dense / misinterpreting the *nsamps_per_buff* (the second parameter of 
the “recv” call) because it seems as if it is not respecting the remaining 
buffer size that I am specifying and attempting to write beyond the bounds of 
the memory I’ve allocated for the buffer.

Is there some alignment or minimum buffer size that I’m not aware of?


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