Regarding the payload/context change, it looks like the modtool sets the
fpga_iface to axis_pyld_ctxt, but in conv.yml you changed it to axis_data?
So when you ran rfnoc_create_verilog, it changed the interface type used by
the NoC shell. You can read about "AXI-Stream Payload Context" and
"AXI-Stream Data" interface types in the RFNoC Specification
<>. I think either
could be used.


On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 4:18 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <>

> Thanks Wade! I just remembered that I forgot to set my output to input
> ratio which may be explaining why the timeouts are happening even with the
> extended delay.
> When I used the rfnoc_create_verilog, I noticed that the client interface
> only has m_in_axis_* and s_out_axis_* connections and no separation between
> context and payload for the template of noc shell used by the tool.
> As such the logpwr example you shared with me earlier isn't
> straightforward to port over and the duc example appears to be most
> compatible pin-out wise with axi_rate_change so I'm about to attempt to
> hook it up it but wanted to clarify that there aren't any additional
> changes I would need to do aside from adjusting MAX_M, MAX_N, and ensuring
> the input/output wire names match what are in my signal declarations
> section? Thanks!
> -Jeff
> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:36 PM Wade Fife <> wrote:
>> The testbench has start_test() and end_test() calls around each test.
>> There's a timeout in the start_test() call, and there's also a global
>> timeout (part of start_tb(), but I think 10 ms by default). If the
>> end_test() doesn't occur within a certain amount of time of the
>> start_test(), then the testbench assumes something went wrong. Otherwise,
>> the simulation could just keep running forever.
>> So you'll need to look at your simulation to see where things are getting
>> stuck. Also, make sure what you're doing doesn't just need more time.
>> Wade
>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 2:29 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Wade! I used the rfnoc_create_verilog and it generated code that
>>> contained ce_clk and added
>>> output wire ce_rst;
>>> following the ce_clk declaration around line 32 of rfnoc_block_conv.v in
>>> the generated file, then plugged it into .ce_rst of noc_shell_conv later in
>>> the file and also used it in my axi_conv instantiation.
>>> After doing that and building I was able to get the testbench to run but
>>> I now get a fatal timeout, something about time limit exceeded.
>>> Is there something that needs to be wired in so that it knows when
>>> things finish? Thanks!
>>> -Jeff
>>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:23 Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>>> I think those versions are fine, but your gr-ettus might be out of
>>>> date. I'm not very familiar with the GNU Radio integration. You could try
>>>> updating your gr-ettus then regenerate your block, or you could run the
>>>> rfnoc_create_verilog tool using the YML file as an input if you need to
>>>> customize the YAML to add the ce_clk/ce_rst signals. It's really up to you
>>>> if you need those signals. But your IP needs to be clocked and probably
>>>> reset by something, and you need to make sure the generated noc_shell uses
>>>> the same clock domains you're expecting to use.
>>>> Wade
>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 10:10 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Neel recommended I use UHD v4.1.0.5 and GRC v3.8.5.0 so that’s what
>>>>> I’ve been using - does this version not generate the right items? If not
>>>>> which version of UHD should I update to, and which version of GRC works
>>>>> best with it? Thanks!
>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>> On May 18, 2022, at 19:59, Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>>>> If you want to customize the YAML and regenerate from your modified
>>>>> YAML, then I think you need to use rfnoc_create_verilog (part of UHD). So
>>>>> you could do something like:
>>>>> python3 uhd/host/utils/rfnoc_blocktool/ -c
>>>>> conv.yml -d ./rfnoc_block_conv
>>>>> However, I see ce_rst in the modtool templates:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Perhaps you're using an older version of modtool?
>>>>> Wade
>>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 12:33 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Spoke too soon - sent last one out too fast so apologies for the
>>>>>> message clutter:
>>>>>> What I see in rfnoc_block_conv.v is ce_clk as an input wire within
>>>>>> the rfnoc_block_conv module declaration.
>>>>>> However, I don't see ce_rst anywhere in either the noc_shell_conv.v
>>>>>> nor the rfnoc_block_conv.v files.
>>>>>> Is this something I should be concerned about, or will I need to
>>>>>> manually add this wire in? Please advise - thanks!
>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 10:26 AM Jeffrey Cuenco <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> To clarify - I see them in rfnoc_block_conv.v but not in
>>>>>>> noc_shell_conv.v - just want to ensure that is okay; I ended up
>>>>>>> regenerating from scratch as I had used the gain block as a base the 
>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>> time and it seems it was generated with an older RFNoC 3.x codegen.
>>>>>>> Will proceed with this and let you know my results. Thanks!
>>>>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2022 at 7:55 AM Jeffrey Cuenco <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Wade!
>>>>>>>> I tried to regenerate using rfnocmodtool and noticed that the
>>>>>>>> ce_clk and ce_rst wires aren't present in the template code and the 
>>>>>>>> yaml
>>>>>>>> files get overwritten - is there another command for rfnocmodtool that 
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> should be using to regenerate after customizing the yaml? Thanks!
>>>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 11:07 AM Wade Fife <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I was looking at your code to answer your question when I noticed
>>>>>>>>> that the noc_shell code doesn't seem to match your YAML, so I'm 
>>>>>>>>> wondering
>>>>>>>>> if the YAML was modified after you generated your noc_shell? The 
>>>>>>>>> noc_shell
>>>>>>>>> is missing the ce_clk declared in your YAML.
>>>>>>>>> To answer your question, I'm going to assume you want a ce_clk
>>>>>>>>> that's different from rfnoc_chdr_clk and rfnoc_ctrl_clk and you want 
>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>> DSP and the registers to use ce_clk. In that case:
>>>>>>>>>    1. Regenerate your block to get a new noc_shell_conv. This
>>>>>>>>>    will add a ce_clk input and a ce_rst output to noc_shell_conv. 
>>>>>>>>> Again, be
>>>>>>>>>    careful to not overwrite your existing code when regenerating your 
>>>>>>>>> block.
>>>>>>>>>    2. In rfnoc_block_conv, connect the ce_clk input port to the
>>>>>>>>>    ce_clk input port of noc_shell_conv.
>>>>>>>>>    3. In rfnoc_block_conv, declare a ce_rst wire at the top and
>>>>>>>>>    connect it to the ce_rst output port of your noc_shell.
>>>>>>>>>    4. Update your registers and custom logic to use ce_clk and
>>>>>>>>>    ce_rst.
>>>>>>>>> The answer is slightly different if you want to use the current
>>>>>>>>> noc_shell. But in general, you say what clocks you want to use in the 
>>>>>>>>> YAML
>>>>>>>>> file. When the noc_shell is generated, it will take as inputs the 
>>>>>>>>> clocks
>>>>>>>>> you declared in the YAML, it will output resets that you can use for 
>>>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>>> clock domains, and it will output on ctrlport_clk and axis_data_clk
>>>>>>>>> whatever clocks you said in the YAML that you wanted to use for those
>>>>>>>>> interfaces. This can be a bit confusing because it means you can have
>>>>>>>>> multiple versions of the same clock under different names (e.g., 
>>>>>>>>> ce_clk,
>>>>>>>>> ctrlport_clk, and axis_data_clk might all be the same clock, just on
>>>>>>>>> different signal names).
>>>>>>>>> Wade
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 1:09 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Wade!
>>>>>>>>>> I went ahead and restored the signal sizes to 32-bit as you
>>>>>>>>>> suggested.
>>>>>>>>>> For using ce_clk, does it suffice for me to create a wire for
>>>>>>>>>> ce_clk in the .v file and then reference it from the yaml? Is 
>>>>>>>>>> ordering
>>>>>>>>>> important or just ensuring the name matches the wire? Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>>>>>> On May 12, 2022, at 10:29, Wade Fife <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>>>>>>>> I took a look and noticed a couple things.
>>>>>>>>>>    - There are some signal width mismatches in
>>>>>>>>>>    rfnoc_block_conv.v. Take a look at s_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata, 
>>>>>>>>>> m_rfnoc_ctrl_tdata,
>>>>>>>>>>    m_in_payload_tdata, s_out_payload_tdata. They have different 
>>>>>>>>>> widths than
>>>>>>>>>>    what the noc_shell expects. I think it's possible to change the
>>>>>>>>>>    payload_tdata width to 8 on the noc_shell by changing the 
>>>>>>>>>> item_width in
>>>>>>>>>>    your YAML, but you'll want to regenerate the noc_shell to do that 
>>>>>>>>>> (be
>>>>>>>>>>    careful not to overwrite your other files if you do this). But 
>>>>>>>>>> the ctrl bus
>>>>>>>>>>    must be 32-bit.
>>>>>>>>>>    - The ctrlport_clk has no driver. It looks like you specified
>>>>>>>>>>    ce_clk as the clock domain in your YAML, so perhaps that's the 
>>>>>>>>>> clock you
>>>>>>>>>>    want to use?
>>>>>>>>>> Try resolving these issues and see where that gets you.
>>>>>>>>>> Wade
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 2:19 PM Jeffrey Cuenco <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wade,
>>>>>>>>>>> Please see attached. Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>>>>>>> On May 11, 2022, at 08:42, Wade Fife <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you also share your block's YML and the noc_shell you
>>>>>>>>>>> generated?
>>>>>>>>>>> Wade
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 4:27 AM Jeffrey Cuenco <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Wade,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I have the ctrlport:has_status set to False in the block
>>>>>>>>>>>> YAML... I ended up having to comment out that test sequence to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> move onto
>>>>>>>>>>>> the part that sends samples into and out of the block; now I have 
>>>>>>>>>>>> an error
>>>>>>>>>>>> that states
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Fatal: Timeout: Test "Test passing through samples" time limit
>>>>>>>>>>>> exceeded*
>>>>>>>>>>>> so I must be doing something that it isn't liking :) I've
>>>>>>>>>>>> attached my updated .v and .sv files that I modified based on your 
>>>>>>>>>>>> guidance
>>>>>>>>>>>> in your first response, as well as the updated xsim.log. Please 
>>>>>>>>>>>> let me know
>>>>>>>>>>>> if there are any additional things I may need to change such as 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sizes and
>>>>>>>>>>>> what not - thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Jeff
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 3:12 PM Wade Fife <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jeffrey,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Very curious that you're getting that CTRL_STS_OKAY error,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> since it looks like you're not using the status. I assume
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ctrlport:has_status is set to False in your block's YAML? In that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> case the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> status should always be OK.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) For different input/output packet sizes, you need to modify
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the context to set the payload length of the outgoing packet. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> block of code starting on line 283 in the rfnoc_block_conv.v file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you sent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There's an example in rfnoc_block_logpower, in which the output 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> packet
>>>>>>>>>>>>> length is half the length of input packets. In your case you'll 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to set
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it to 3/2 instead of 1/2. See here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) The testbenches typically have an ITEM_W constant that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicates the size of the data type you want to work with. The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ITEM_W is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> normally set to the sample size (e.g., 32 for sc16 samples). 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since you want
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to work with bytes, you could change that to 8 then create an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> item_t array
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and send it as a single packet using blk_ctrl.send_items(). Then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> call blk_ctrl.recv_items() to get the data output packet, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> inspect the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> items array that is returned. Take a look at PkgRfnocBlockCtrlBfm 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what other send/recv methods are available. Here's a quick 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example assuming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the item size is 8-bit:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> item_t sent[$], received[$];
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sent = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };  // Whatever values
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you want for the input packet, one byte per element
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blk_ctrl.send_items(0, sent);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blk_ctrl.recv_items(0, received);
>>>>>>>>>>>>> foreach(received[i]) begin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   // Compare the expected value to the byte in received[i] and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see if it matches
>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wade
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 9, 2022 at 1:30 PM Jeffrey Cuenco via USRP-users <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Long time no see! I am currently on a final stretches of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completing a masters project for my wireless embedded systems 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> program that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involves a USRP X310 with RFNoC 4.0 and GNURadio that implements 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hierarchical Modulation design using nested 4QAM / QPSK (final
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> constellation "appears" like 16QAM but has embedded high 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> priority and low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> priority layers that can adapt based on SNR).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am currently attempting to integrate the Xilinx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Convolutional Encoder v9.0 IP block into the template 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rfnoc_block_conv.v
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> design that was created using rfnocmodtool and modeled after the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ettus FFT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example. With a bit of work I was able to get the .xci file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loaded by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vivado when the make target is executed for the testbench, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> testbench appears to build without much modification.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When executing 'make rfnoc_block_conv_tb'  it appears to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fully execute the build process to the end, but I receive a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fatal "Did not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> receive CTRL_STS_OKAY status" message in the process which I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> either something not being configured in the testbench file or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not being configured right in my verilog module file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've attempted to summarize where I'm stuck and need help on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the below three summary points / questions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) I have configured the convolutional encoder with rate 1/2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and punctured (effective rate 2/3), which I assume will require 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modifying the "axi_wrapper" so that the output to input ratios 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are set
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properly - are there additional examples that I can follow for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've seen the axi_wrapper migration note but as I'm still a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> novice at Verilog and System Verilog additional examples would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) I would like to modify my testbench so that I send 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bytes (80 bits) of data, and read out the 15 bytes (120 bits) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that get spit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out and verify that the encoded bytes coming out of the core 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> match ground
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> truth data I would generate using MATLAB.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do we have any additional testbench examples or additional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation that show sending 1 or more bytes of data through 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an IP core?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The IP core's *s_axis_data_tdata* and *m_axis_data_tdata *are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8-bit while most of the examples show sending 32 bits.  Aside 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from setting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the assignments to [7:0] are there any other adjustments that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made in any of the signal declarations and/or block definition 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wires
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earlier in the file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've provided the IP core documentation for reference just in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've also included the module and testbench files as well as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the xsim log.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Jeff
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>>> Jeffrey Cuenco
>>> Tech & Marketing Specialist | Cooperative Capitalist
>>> (619) 840-4508
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