Hi JP,

quick remark: Are you *sure* you want 200 MS/s from *both* channels? The frontend bandwidth per Channel is 80 MHz, so that 100 MHz would suffice.

Best regards,

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On 02.03.22 06:33, Jonathan Pratt wrote:

My setup is an X310 with a single twinRX installed. I am trying to get 200MSPS 
off the device from both receive channels at the same time to one PC using two 
10GbE connections.

The radio has been flashed with the XG image appropriate for gnuradio 3.9.0 + 
uhd 4.1.0 which is running on ubuntu 20.
There are 2x 10Gb  SFP+ modules on the radio (happen to be fibre) and an Intel 
X720-D2 with two 10Gb SFP+ modules on a PC and two fibre cables spanning the 

I can read at 200MSPS from either port - no problems.

I have created a flow with a uhd source that has two channels. I have set the 
motherboards to 1, and set the address (addr0 & addr1) to both of the ethernet 
addresses  that I can see and operate individually. both channels are driving null 
sinks for the purposes of testing.

when I run this flow I get the following error
[ERROR] [RFNOC::GRAPH] Caught exception while initializing graph : RfnocError: 
Specified destination address is unreachable
with a meaningless traceback following.

Is there a way to do what I am trying to achieve?

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