The BSP (board support package) connections are the product-specific ports, like the radio, timekeeper, DRAM, etc. You can identify them because they always go to or from the "_device_". Clocks also come from the _device_. You can see a list of ports on each product by looking at the BSP YAML files here:
The other connections are between blocks, or between blocks and stream endpoints. Wade On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 12:28 AM sp h <> wrote: > Hi, In RFNOC image core files I saw that BSP connection? > what's them and what's the difference between ordinary connections and BSP > connections... > > thanks in advance > > *BSP connections:* > # BSP Connections > - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: ctrl_port, dstblk: _device_, dstport: > ctrlport_radio0 } > - { srcblk: radio1, srcport: ctrl_port, dstblk: _device_, dstport: > ctrlport_radio1 } > - { srcblk: replay0, srcport: axi_ram, dstblk: _device_, dstport: dram } > - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: x300_radio0, dstblk: radio0, dstport: > x300_radio } > - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: x300_radio1, dstblk: radio1, dstport: > x300_radio } > - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: time_keeper, dstblk: radio0, dstport: > time_keeper } > - { srcblk: _device_, srcport: time_keeper, dstblk: radio1, dstport: > time_keeper } > > > *Other connections:* > # ep0 to radio0(0) - RFA TX > - { srcblk: ep0, srcport: out0, dstblk: duc0, dstport: in_0 } > - { srcblk: duc0, srcport: out_0, dstblk: radio0, dstport: in_0 } > # radio(0) to ep0 - RFA RX > - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ddc0, dstport: in_0 } > - { srcblk: ddc0, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ep0, dstport: in0 } > # radio0(1) to ep1 - RFA RX > - { srcblk: radio0, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ddc0, dstport: in_1 } > - { srcblk: ddc0, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ep1, dstport: in0 } > # ep2 to radio1(0) - RFA TX > - { srcblk: ep2, srcport: out0, dstblk: duc1, dstport: in_0 } > - { srcblk: duc1, srcport: out_0, dstblk: radio1, dstport: in_0 } > # radio1(0) to ep2 - RFA RX > - { srcblk: radio1, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ddc1, dstport: in_0 } > - { srcblk: ddc1, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ep2, dstport: in0 } > # radio0(1) to ep3 - RFA RX > - { srcblk: radio1, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ddc1, dstport: in_1 } > - { srcblk: ddc1, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ep3, dstport: in0 } > # ep4 to replay0(0) > - { srcblk: ep4, srcport: out0, dstblk: replay0, dstport: in_0 } > # replay0(0) to ep4 > - { srcblk: replay0, srcport: out_0, dstblk: ep4, dstport: in0 } > # ep5 to replay0(1) > - { srcblk: ep5, srcport: out0, dstblk: replay0, dstport: in_1 } > # replay0(1) to ep5 > - { srcblk: replay0, srcport: out_1, dstblk: ep5, dstport: in0 } > _______________________________________________ > USRP-users mailing list -- > To unsubscribe send an email to >
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