I know this can happen if the number of samples per packet (SPP) is too
large for your configuration. You could try manually setting a smaller SPP
value, say 300, and see if that works. More information about your setup
would be helpful.


On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 11:02 AM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 2022-01-30 07:46, Dmitry Kupchinetsky wrote:
> Hi,
> during receive samples from usrp following error occur:
> [ERROR] [X300] x300 fw communication failure #1
> EnvironmentError: IOError: x300 fw poke32 - reply timed out
> [ERROR] [X300] x300 fw communication failure #2
> EnvironmentError: IOError: x300 fw poke32 - reply timed out
> [ERROR] [X300] x300 fw communication failure #3
> EnvironmentError: IOError: x300 fw poke32 - reply timed out
> [ERROR] [UHD] An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.The task
> loop will now exit, things may not work.EnvironmentError: IOError:
> x300 fw communication failure #3
> EnvironmentError: IOError: x300 fw poke32 - reply timed out
> After this error there's no communication between host and usrp. What is a
> root cause of this error and does exist any work around?
> Regards,
> Kupchinetsky Dmitry.
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> So, a few questions:
> Does this happen immediately on start-up, or only after a considerable
> period?
> What sample rate(s)?
> Are you using the 1G or 10G interface?
> What type of host network card are you using?  Do you know if it's based
> on the Intel 82579LM chip?
> What version of UHD are you running?
> Are the error counters increasing on your networking interface?    On
> linux you can use "ifconfig" or "ip -s link" to display error statistics
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