Hi Jason,
hm, if *I* had to make I wild guess (and it's really only that), something in the network
stack reordered or dropped packets, and now the firmware running on the softcpu can't
reconcile that - or just the host UHD.
I bet this is hard to debug, so let's plan this a bit; I honestly don't have a great
starting point either, but I'd first try to figure out whether this might be network:
1. have something that logs stats for IPv4. If this is Linux, (and bash, and your network
device is called enp2s0)
while true; do netstat -s -i enp2s0 -4 > "/mylogdir/netstat.$(|date +"%s")";
sleep 1; done|
2. Try to note down the time of crashing.
3. Try to correlate the time with an increase of one of the statistics; if you need help
with that, let us know.
My apologies for not having a great idea what this might be :(, but here's to hoping we
can figure this out!
Best regards,
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On 10.01.22 20:37, jason pro wrote:
Hi dear Engineers of Ettus Research,
Our application written based on UHD and USRP X310 cannot run for a long time(The
longest time did not exceed 48 hours).
The x310 is connected to the computer through a 10GbE network card (X520).
We have tried to use versions 3.15 and UHD throws different errors:
1. UHD
X300 fw communication failure #1
EnvironmentError: IO Error:x300 fw peek32 -reply timed out
Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'uhd::assertion_error'
What():AssertionError:reply.sequence == request.sequence
in virtual uint32_t x300_ctrl_iface_enet::_peek32(uhd::wb_iface::wb_addr_type)
2. UHD 3.15
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘uhd:: io_error’
what() : EnvironmentError : IOError : Block ctrl(CE_01_Port_40) no response packet –
AssertionError : bool(buff)
in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness> :: wait_for_ack(bool,double)[with uhd ::
endianness_t_endianness = uhd::ENDIANNESS_BIG;uint64_t = long unsigned int]
Is there a solution?
Best regards,
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