On 2022-01-13 07:22, sp h wrote:
For USRP x310, I had UBX 160 daughterboard, but lately, however, RX works correctly But transmit mode is not working correctly.
I had no data signal........
UBX 160 transmit but only there is a small carrier....?

For HackrfOne we had the same problem, we replace RF amplifier IC,  now it works...
but for USRP can anyone guide me on which IC is probable is damaged??
any offers?

you can see UBX 160 schematic there...

Thanks in advance

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The PHA-1 (U31) is the RF output amplifier, but it sits behind two layers of RF switch--SKY13350-385LF  and HMC7992 (U50 and U32).

I have to ask what you're doing to blow-out RF output amplifiers. Transmitting into a dead-short for extended periods could do it, but the power levels   of these devices are low enough that transmitting into an "open" or other type of mis-match is unlikely to cause damage.

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