Dear Huacheng,

while it's hard to rule something like that out, it'd be surprising. Maybe you had a very strong interferer that led to undesired intermodulation? Next time it happens, try to scan through the overall spectrum (not only within your bandwidth of interest!) with a spectrum analyzer, or drastically reduce the RF gain in your N310: if reducing the frontend gain improves DC offset performance, chances are the mixer doesn't operate in the expected regime due to external power.

Best regards,

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On 13.12.21 15:53, Zeng, Huacheng wrote:
Hi Marcus,

I constantly observed the DC offset and harmonic peaks yesterday. But they simply disappeared today. I am pretty sure I did not make any changes on hardware or software. One possibility is that they were caused by a long time use or the temperature change (room temperature < 25C).

I will report here if I can reproduce the problem. Thanks anyway!


On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 2:24 PM Marcus D. Leech <> wrote:

    On 2021-12-12 11:57, Zeng, Huacheng wrote:

    I am using N310 to observe its received signal in its four channels. I 
    some unexpected DC offset and harmonics as shown in the attached figure. It
    happened only at channels RF0 & RF2; the signal from channels RF1 & RF3 
    normal. I disconnected the antennas but the DC and harmonics are still 
there. And
    they would not change if I change the center frequency, sampling rate, or 
RF gain.

    The GNU RADIO and UHD versions are below:
    [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501; 

    I also attached my python script code in case it would be useful for you to
    identify the problem.

    Any suggestions? Thank you  in advance!


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