Hi all

We have an X310 with 2 x TWIN RX radios in it.

We want to set up a GNU radio flow for this setup but not sure exactly how 
connections are mapped.

1. If we create a block (UHD: USRP source) with only one channel, which 
receiver is the data coming from - in particular which antenna is being used 
with the normal connection of left Twin RX (looking from the front) Antenna 1 
to  RF A TX/RX and Antenna 2 to RFA RX2; and for the right Twin RX Antenna 1 to 
RFB RX/TX and Antenna A RFB RX2. The presumption is that it is RFA TX/RX but we 
would like to be certain. Is it possible to address a different receiver as a 
single channel? Is there a problem with only sourcing data from less than all 
of the receivers? The reason for doing this is because we can't get enough data 
from the X310 with all receivers being polled so we want to focus on a single 
receiver output if possible

2. If there are two receivers and the block is configured for four channels do 
the antenna connections in the RF Options tab refer to the connections of the 
specific radios? Does the MB option on the General tab need to be set to 2 for 
this to work properly?

3. If we install only one of the Twin RX boards, does it matter which position 
(RFA or RFB) that we install the board?

Is there some link that contains this kind of information?


Kind regards
Jonathan Pratt
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