Yeah, I know 9361 doesn't support external LO, that's why I am looking into
purchasing N320. I am interested in the ability of fast sweeping to do
spectrum sensing/monitoring.

I thought about building a custom super-heterodyne front-end and driving it
from, say, the GPIO pins of the SDR but looking at Ettus' offerings, N320
seemed promising as a built-in solution. However, from your replies it
looks like there are further complications and nuances and it is not as
straightforward as I hoped.


On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 10:28 PM Marcus D. Leech <>

> On 2021-12-06 14:22, Temir Karakurum wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Thanks for your prompt response! Your answer is in line with my
> expectations. I was mostly wondering how set_rx_freq would interact with an
> external LO. Like would the tune_request only allow for DSP tuning whereas
> RF tuning would be (hardware) locked within UHD?
> With external LO, would the tune request triggered calibration routines
> induce substantial time? I believe for B210/E310 pll lock can be achieved
> in a few ms and within 100/150ms after crossing a 100MHz calibration
> threshold.   Whereas for AD9361 fastlock mode allows for 25 us lock-in time
> (there was a demo by Analog Devices using iio in grcon19) and I was looking
> into whether fast sweeping could be achieved using an external LO. In a
> similar vein can such fast sweeping be achieved using an Ettus
> daughterboard driven by an external LO?
> Best,
> Temir
> Again, the AD9361 DOES NOT SUPPORT an external LO, which eliminates E3xx
> and B2xx devices.
> The whole "fast lock" thing isn't easily achievable if you need your
> device to be fully-general, because there are only a few calibration
> "cache" slots, and managing that cache from
>   the host side would be quite complex.
> The X3xx supports the TwinRX series, which can be made to support an
> external LO, and there's an article in the KB about exposing the external
> LO sharing signals to the
>   "outside world" on X3xx.
> The "tune_request" objects can be constructed to ONLY tune the DSP logic,
> which is fast.   So as long as you're staying within the bandwidth of the
> ADC, you can fast-hop
>   within that bandwidth.
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 9:58 PM Marcus D. Leech <>
> wrote:
>> On 2021-12-06 13:42, Temir Karakurum wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some experience working with E310 and B210 and one of the
>> bottlenecks for my application is the frequency tuning/hopping time of
>> AD9361. I understand that N320 has the ability to use an external reference
>> oscillator but I am not sure what this actually entails.
>> Does this mean that the LO used in the homodyne IQ receiver architecture
>> is no longer generated by the PLL but is directly supplied by the
>> external reference? If so, does this mean that I can sweep the frequencies
>> as fast as I can generate LO frequencies in a similar fashion to a swept
>> spectrum analyzer? Is external LO mode useful for spectrum
>> sensing/frequency hopping applications or is it mostly used for
>> applications that requires
>> phase coherence?
>> Also are there any UHD examples or tutorials depicting how to build
>> tune_request objects under 'external LO' mode?
>> Best,
>> Temir
>> External LO is largely about providing phase-coherence.   The AD9361 in
>> the E310 and B210 has NO support for external LOs, but the AD9371 in the
>> N310 does have support
>>   for a 2XLO.
>> When you create the multi_usrp device object, you'll pass in an
>> "rx_lo_source=external" argument, and make sure the external  LO, at that
>> moment, is operating at 5GHz.
>>   Once device initialization has completed, you can
>> set_lo_source("external").  See:
>> Now, how that interacts with future set_rx_freq() or set_tx_freq() I'm
>> not clear on.  The AD9371 in the N310 must necessarily complete some I/Q
>> calibration and compensation
>>   functions every time it tunes to a new frequency.  It's not clear (and
>> I cannot find examples) how you can trigger that calibration process after
>> you change your external LO.
>> In any case, the external LO needs to be at *TWICE* the desired tuned
>> frequency (because of the 2XLO mixers), and that input is limited to 8GHz,
>> which means you can only
>>   use external LO usefully for center frequencies between 300Mhz and 4GHz.
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