On 2021-12-06 02:13, Christoph Schultz (Riedel) wrote:
Dear USRP-Users,
I wanted to get back to you on the topic mentioned below. Meanwhile I
reworked my code to work directly with the uhd Python class instead of
using a gnuradio wrapper.
Unfortunately I run into the identical issue again.
What is it you're trying to achieve? The approach you're taking is
clearly exercising a deficiency in the UHD code *somewhere*, and perhaps
a different
approach is required.
The normal "pattern" is:
o set up device parameters
o iterate getting data until satisfied
But I think the call you're using basically does a lot of "set up device
parameters" work every time you call it, which is not the usual "pattern".
Code is:
import uhd
import numpy as np
device = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP(“type=x300,addr=”)
for i in range(200):
sig = device.recv_num_samps(int(1e5),900e6,4e6,[0],0)
It’ll crash after 104 runs in file multi_usrp.py on line 54:
super(MultiUSRP, self).set_rx_gain(gain,chan)
with the message mentioned below
RfnocError: OpTimeout: Control operation timed out waiting for space
in command buffer
Anybody got an idea, if this might be some known issue with e.g. the
FPGA code, or the drivers?
Best regards
RF System Architect
RIEDEL at Social Media <https://www.riedel.net/en/social-media-links/>
Communications GmbH & Co. KG
Uellendahler Str. 353
42109 Wuppertal
phone: +49 202 292-9150
christoph.schu...@riedel.net <mailto:christoph.schu...@riedel.net>
www.riedel.net <http://www.riedel.net>
RIEDEL Communications GmbH & Co. KG
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Wuppertal HRA 22390
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 814906984
Komplementärin: RIEDEL Communications International GmbH, Wuppertal
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Wuppertal HRB 17038
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Riedel, Frank Eischet, Martin Berger
*From:* Christoph Schultz (Riedel) <christoph.schu...@riedel.net>
*Sent:* Donnerstag, 25. November 2021 17:08
*To:* usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
*Subject:* RfnocError: OpTimeout: Control operation timed out waiting
for space in command buffer
Dear USRP-Users,
I am facing a crash when repeatedly receiving data on a X300 using
To run into this issue, I load a top_block with a usrp_source, a head
and a file_sink initially.
Then a sequence of start()-wait()-stop()-wait()-reconfigure is run for
e.g. 200 times.
After a deterministic number of cycles the following error will appear:
thread[thread-per-block[0] <block usrp_source(1)>]: RfnocError:
OpTimeout: Control operation timed out waiting for space in command buffer
Similar to the issue discussed here:
my first idea was, that the command buffer is getting filled faster
than it is sent to the USRP device, but artificial sleeps between the
loop cycles do not change the behavior at all.
I was also not successful in reloading the usrp_source object on
Python level (without stopping the full python process, and restarting
it again manually).
So it looks like the gnuradio functions leave something in the command
buffer which I couldn’t clear so far without reloading the whole
library by restarting Python.
Is this a known issue? Are there any ways to manually release the
command buffer, or is it a potential bug, which should go to the bug
tracker of gr?
Many thanks in advance and
Best regards
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