I'm currently attempting to realize the RFNoC example described in the "Out-of-tree Modules" section of this web page.\ <https://kb.ettus.com/Getting_Started_with_RFNoC_in_UHD_4.0>
I've followed step by step the instructions until the make x310_rfnoc_image_core command. Since I'm targeting a N320 device I had to do some modifications inside the rfnoc-demo directory.\ Below the additional step I've performed I've created a n320_rfnoc_core.yml inside rfnoc-demo/icores \ This file was created from the original n320_rfnoc_core.yml located in\ uhd/fpga/usrp3/top/n3xx/ with the following modifications: \-- creation of a new endpoint\ ep4: # Stream endpoint name\ ctrl: False # Endpoint passes control traffic\ data: True # Endpoint passes data traffic\ buff_size: 32768 # Ingress buffer size for data \-- definition of the gain block:\ gain0:\ block_desc: ’gain.yml’ \-- connection between the block and the endpoint * { srcblk: ep4, srcport: out0, dstblk: gain0, dstport: in } * { srcblk: gain0, srcport: out, dstblk: ep4, dstport: in0 } Then I've modified the CMakeLists.txt inside rfnoc-demo by\ replacing all the occurrences of X310 with N320.\ I've deleted the content of the rfnoc-demo/build directory\ and I've performed the following commands : cd \~/rfnoc-demo/build\ cmake -DUHD_FPGA_DIR=<UHD4.1 repo>/fpga/ ../\ make n320_rfnoc_image_core I've loaded the generated bitstream inside the n320. At this point\ I've executed the following Python script : import sys\ import re\ import uhd\ import numpy as np\ import matplotlib\ from matplotlib import pyplot graph = uhd.rfnoc.RfnocGraph("addr=")\ for edge in graph.enumerate_static_connections():\ print(edge.to_string())\ radio_noc_block = graph.get_block("0/Radio#0")\ radio_block = uhd.rfnoc.RadioControl(radio_noc_block) pkt_length = 4 radio_noc_block = graph.get_block("0/Radio#0")\ radio_block = uhd.rfnoc.RadioControl(radio_noc_block)\ radio_block.set_properties(f'spp={pkt_length}', 0) sa = uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("fc32", "sc16")\ sa.args = "spp=" + str(pkt_length) ddc_block = uhd.rfnoc.DdcBlockControl(graph.get_block("0/DDC#0")) rx_streamer = graph.create_rx_streamer(1, sa) graph.connect("0/Radio#0", 0, "0/DDC#0", 0, False)\ print("Graph with gain_block \\n")\ graph.connect("0/DDC#0", 0, "0/Block#0", 0, False)\ graph.connect("0/Block#0", 0, rx_streamer, 0)\ graph.commit() radio_block.set_rx_frequency(2500e6, 0)\ radio_block.set_rx_gain(40, 0)\ radio_block.set_rx_antenna("RX2", 0)\ radio_block.set_rate(125e6) ddc_block.set_input_rate(125e6, 0)\ ddc_block.set_output_rate(5e6, 0) num_samples = int(ddc_block.get_output_rate(0) \* 3)\ radio_data = np.zeros((1, num_samples), dtype="complex64") stream_cmd = uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.num_done)\ stream_cmd.num_samps = num_samples\ stream_cmd.stream_now = True rx_streamer.issue_stream_cmd(stream_cmd)\ num_samples_received = rx_streamer.recv(radio_data, uhd.types.RXMetadata(), 15.0)\ print("Nb of samples received = " + str(num_samples_received)) matplotlib.pyplot.plot(range(np.size(radio_data\[0\])), np.real(radio_data\[0\]), "g", range(np.size(radio_data\[0\])), np.imag(radio_data\[0\]), "r")\ pyplot.show() Below you can see the output of this script : \[INFO\] \[UHD\] linux; GNU C++ version 9.3.0; Boost_107100; UHD_4.1.0.4-118-g06a9ded7\ \[INFO\] \[MPMD\] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args: mgmt_addr=,type=n3xx,product=n320,serial=31A5C61,fpga=HG,claimed=False,addr=\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.PeriphManager\] init() called with device args `fpga=HG,mgmt_addr=,product=n320,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal'. [INFO] [MPM.Rhodium-0] init() called with args `fpga=HG,mgmt_addr=,product=n320,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal'\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-1\] init() called with args \`fpga=HG,mgmt_addr=,product=n320,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal'\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.init.LMK04828\] LMK initialized and locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.DAC37J82\] DAC PLL Locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.AD9695\] ADC PLL Locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.init\] JESD204B Link Initialization & Training Complete\ \[WARNING\] \[UDP\] The send buffer could not be resized sufficiently.\ Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.\ Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.\ See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.\ Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2500000\ \[WARNING\] \[RFNOC::BLOCK_FACTORY\] Could not find block with Noc-ID 0xb16, 0xffff\ 0/SEP#0:0==>0/DUC#0:0\ 0/DUC#0:0==>0/Radio#0:0\ 0/Radio#0:0==>0/DDC#0:0\ 0/DDC#0:0==>0/SEP#0:0\ 0/SEP#1:0==>0/DUC#1:0\ 0/DUC#1:0==>0/Radio#1:0\ 0/Radio#1:0==>0/DDC#1:0\ 0/DDC#1:0==>0/SEP#1:0\ 0/SEP#2:0==>0/Replay#0:0\ 0/Replay#0:0==>0/SEP#2:0\ 0/SEP#3:0==>0/Replay#0:1\ 0/Replay#0:1==>0/SEP#3:0\ 0/SEP#4:0==>0/Block#0:0\ 0/Block#0:0==>0/SEP#4:0\ Graph with gain_block \[WARNING\] \[UDP\] The send buffer could not be resized sufficiently.\ Target sock buff size: 2500000 bytes.\ Actual sock buff size: 1048576 bytes.\ See the transport application notes on buffer resizing.\ Please run: sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=2500000\ \[WARNING\] \[0/Radio#0\] Coercing requested sample rate from 125 MHz to 200 MHz, the closest possible rate.\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0\] init() called with args \`fpga=HG,mgmt_addr=,product=n320,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal,master_clock_rate=200000000.0,ref_clk_freq=25000000.0'\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.init.LMK04828\] LMK initialized and locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.DAC37J82\] DAC PLL Locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.AD9695\] ADC PLL Locked!\ \[INFO\] \[MPM.Rhodium-0.init\] JESD204B Link Initialization & Training Complete\ Nb of samples received = 0 As you can see the static connections inside the FPGA look good, but the gain block seems to prevent any samples to reach the Rx_streamer. By directly connecting the\ DDC to the RX_streamer the N320 starts to produce data. My guess is, there might be something I've missed out on the Python script, but I cannot find any information\ about this part of the RFNoC process. I have also posted this issue on the UHD github web page https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd/issues/538 Unfortunately, I have not yet received any answer. I'm running out of ideas, any input is welcome.\ Thanks in advance!
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