This means there's a file that set default_nettype to none somewhere. That
setting will affect the files that get compiled after it, and in your case
gray2bin.v doesn't like it.

Like Rob said, you can add "`default_nettype wire" to the top of the file
that's having issues and it should compile after that.

Check any files you've added to make sure they don't leave the
default_nettype as none. The general convention is to put "`default_nettype
none" at the top of a file but have "`default_nettype wire"at the end of a
file to avoid messing up any other files in the compile.


On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 1:04 PM Rob Kossler <> wrote:

> Are you able to run the testbench for the provided "rfnoc-example"
> folder?  I notice that the gain testbench that is part of this example has
> the following as the last statement. Perhaps this is needed?
> `default_nettype wire
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 11:53 AM Rich, Michael via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> I’m trying to run the testbench for a new module I created (UHD4) and I’m
>> getting the following error:
>> INFO: [VRFC 10-2263] Analyzing Verilog file
>> "/home/nvd/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/control/gray2bin.v" into library
>> xil_defaultlib
>> INFO: [VRFC 10-311] analyzing module gray2bin
>> ERROR: [VRFC 10-1103] net type must be explicitly specified for 'gray'
>> when default_nettype is none
>> [/home/nvd/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/control/gray2bin.v:13]
>> ERROR: [VRFC 10-3594] non-net port 'gray' cannot be of mode input
>> [/home/nvd/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/control/gray2bin.v:13]
>> ERROR: [VRFC 10-845] illegal operand for operator ^
>> [/home/nvd/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/control/gray2bin.v:21]
>> ERROR: [VRFC 10-2865] module 'gray2bin' ignored due to previous errors
>> [/home/nvd/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/control/gray2bin.v:10]
>> This file seems to compile without issue on my previous testbench, so I’m
>> not sure what the difference would be here. If anyone has any insights into
>> what could be going on I’d greatly appreciate it.
>> Thank you,
>> *Michael H. Rich*
>> *Electronic Systems Laboratory*
>> *Georgia Tech Research Institute®*
>> Phone: (404) 407-8358
>> E-mail:
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