I am also including a gnuradio flowgraph which can be used for the analysis. The behavior is from exactly 400.1MHz up to 444.99MHz. 400MHz and 445MHz are fine again.

My hypothesis is that this a UHD software hardcoded behavior.

On 10/11/21 3:48 PM, Martin Kotuliak wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I am writing you because of a inconsistent transmit behavior of the b210 on ISM bands. When transmitting, its power/bandwidth oscillates between two states. But when changed to a carrier frequency a few MHz higher (non ISM) the behavior disappears. I wonder if this a known problem for B210. I don't see the same problem for X310. I am attaching a picture of a waterfall.

UHD Version: 4.0 and 3.15
OS: Ubuntu 20
USRP devices: B210 and B205mini (X310 works)

Anyone else has the same problem?


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Attachment: test.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

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