I followed your advice on passing the spp parameter but it didn't
help. I get the error:
 [ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive transport caught a value exception.
ValueError: Bad CHDR header or invalid packet length.

ср, 25 авг. 2021 г. в 02:13, Jonathon Pendlum <jonathon.pend...@ettus.com>:

> Hi Ivan,
> I saw your other post. I think setting the SPP via stream args doesn't
> work correctly. Try this instead:
> spp = 1024
> radio_block.set_properties(f"spp:0={spp}")
> Also, if you are streaming over Ethernet (i.e. network mode), make sure
> your MTU is set to 8000 on both the host and the E310.
> Jonathon
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 7:06 PM Jonathon Pendlum <
> jonathon.pend...@ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hello Ivan,
>> Are you steaming into the ARM processor / PS or are you streaming over
>> the network? Are you running a UHD app or using GNU Radio?
>> Jonathon
>> On Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 5:40 PM Ivan Zahartchuk <adray0...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I try to set length of fft = 512 or 1024 for USRP E310 (RFNoC UHD 4), but 
>>> when the value is set I haven`t received the data. When the fft = 256 it`s 
>>> work fine.
>>> My graph looks like this:
>>> 0/Radio#0:0==>0/FFT#0:0
>>> 0/FFT#0:0==>0/SEP#0:0
>>> Setup of my SEP is:
>>> stream_endpoints:
>>>   ep0:                       # Stream endpoint name
>>>     ctrl: True                      # Endpoint passes control traffic
>>>     data: True                      # Endpoint passes data traffic
>>>     buff_size: 32768              # Ingress buffer size for data
>>> How can I set value fft length 512 or 1024 and how it`s work?
>>> I would greatly appreciate your answer.
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