Hi Jonathon,
Thanks, you are right.
I am normally working with UHD 4.0 on both host and device.
But I forgot I had swapped the sd-card with a uhd 3.15 version for a
test the previous day.
I put the UHD 4.0 back in and now it works.
Best regards,
On 22-06-2021 20:12, Jonathon Pendlum wrote:
Hi Martin,
From your logs, it looks like the E310 locally is running UHD 3.15, but
your host computer is running UHD 4.0. You need to run the same version
of UHD on both the host and device. You should image your SD card to UHD
4.0 using this file:
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 11:48 AM Martin <usrp-users-l...@olifantasia.com
<mailto:usrp-users-l...@olifantasia.com>> wrote:
I am trying to run the RFNoC example rfnoc_rx_to_file on a E310 sg1.
When I run it directly on the E310 hardware it succeeds.
But if I run it from a host-computer (connected to the E310 over
ethernet) it fails with:
Error: rpc::timeout: Timeout of 2000ms while calling RPC function
The only place I found that does set_device_id is in
const uhd::device_addr_t& mb_args, uhd::rpc_client::sptr rpc)
: _mb_args(mb_args), _rpc(rpc),
_remote_device_id = allocate_device_id();
UHD_LOG_TRACE("MPMD::MB_IFACE", "Assigning device_id " <<
_rpc->notify_with_token("set_device_id", _remote_device_id);
But I am not sure what this code does, or why it is run and fails here.
Here is the output of the failing remote and succeeding local runs:
Running from a host-computer fails:
/opt/uhd40/lib/uhd/examples/rfnoc_rx_to_file --duration 1.0
Creating the RFNoC graph with args: ...
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.3.0; Boost_107100;
[INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args:
[INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] Found 1 daughterboard(s).
Error: rpc::timeout: Timeout of 2000ms while calling RPC function
Running directly on the E310 succeeds:
root@ni-e31x:~# /usr/lib/uhd/examples/rfnoc_rx_to_file --duration 1.0
Creating the USRP device with: ...
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 8.2.0; Boost_106800;
[INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args:
[INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] Found 1 daughterboard(s).
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID:
[INFO] [0/DDC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xDDC0000000000000)
[INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] init() called with device args
[INFO] [0/DUC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xD0C0000000000002)
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] Performing CODEC loopback test...
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] CODEC loopback test passed
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] Performing CODEC loopback test...
[INFO] [0/Radio_0] CODEC loopback test passed
Using radio 0, channel 0
Setting RX Rate: 1.000000 Msps...
Actual RX Rate: 1.000000 Msps...
Setting RX Freq: 0.000000 MHz...
Actual RX Freq: 70.000000 MHz...
Samples per packet: 2044
Using streamer args: block_id=0/Radio_0,block_port=0,spp=2044
Press Ctrl + C to stop streaming...
Issuing stream cmd
Issuing stop stream cmd
Thanks in advance for any clue.
Best regards,
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