Both computers are connected to only a single x310 at a time, 10GB
SPF+ through to a x520 NIC.

If it helps, I also noticed that on Computer B, uhd_find_devices.exe gives
an error if I run it without args, but works if I specify the
ip address.
This is the error for uhd_find_devices

*[No UHD Devices FoundERROR] [UHD]*
(This isn't a typo, it prints exactly this error in cmdprompt)

Anyone with a similar issue and managed to resolve it?

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 10:22 AM Marcus D Leech <>

> Does computer B perhaps have another USRp on its network port? (Clutching
> at straws I’ll admit).
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 9, 2021, at 10:14 PM, Kelvin Lok <> wrote:
> I am having trouble with this error message. "*Error: LookupError:
> KeyError: Unknown settings register name: DDS_FREQ*", on a X310 usrp.
> I have 2 UHD installations of UHD on 2 different computers. Computer A has
> internet access, Computer B does not have internet access. Both computers
> use UHD 3.15 built from source (Github), running windows 10. On Computer A,
> I am able to run uhd_usrp_probe.exe without any issues. On computer B I get
> the DDS_Freq KeyError.
> I initially thought it was an image issue, but the same x310 works on
> Computer A but faces error on Computer B.
> Even copying the same uhd binaries and images from A to B, and running on
> B shows the same error. I also ran a cmd prompt session and reset the
> environment variables for uhd_images_dir.
> Any advice on what I could be doing wrong?
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