Oh! I hope someone can tell us what might be wrong with the block. Have you
got another OOT block working created with rfnocmodtool? Just to discard
the tool as the problem.
If I figure out something new I'll tell you.

Kind regards,

El vie, 28 may 2021 a las 15:02, Paul Atreides (<maud.dib1...@gmail.com>)

> I second this. I’m having almost the exact same issue with split stream.
> Mine returns attribute error no module found, but as shown in Maria’s
> post, it’s displayed fine in grc and the image.
> <end transmission>
> On May 28, 2021, at 04:45, Maria Muñoz <mamuk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'ḿ trying to instance in my GNURadio graph the splitstream rfnoc block.
> I'm using RFNoC 4.0, GNURadio3.8 and gr-ettus master branch.
> This block has all the UHD driver and verilog code in the UHD repository
> (under
> "~/rfnoc/src/uhd/fpga/usrp3/lib/rfnoc/blocks/rfnoc_block_split_stream",
> "/rfnoc/src/uhd/host/lib/rfnoc" and
> "/rfnoc/src/uhd/host/include/uhd/rfnoc), but it is not included in
> gr-ettus/gnuradio, so I try to create an OOT module using this code to use
> the block on GNURadio.
> I have successfully created the module with rfnocmodtool, adapted the
> verilog, c++ and yml files and compiled and installed the block. I have
> generated an image using the block and uhd_usrp_probe seems to recognise
> the block:
> *[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 9.3.0; Boost_107100;
> UHD_4.0.0.HEAD-0-g90ce6062[INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in
> parallel with args:
> mgmt_addr=,type=e3xx,product=e320,serial=31DFBB7,claimed=False,addr=[INFO]
> [MPM.PeriphManager] init() called with device args
> `mgmt_addr=,product=e320'.[INFO] [0/Radio#0] Performing CODEC
> loopback test on channel 0 ... [INFO] [0/Radio#0] CODEC loopback test
> passed[INFO] [0/Radio#0] Performing CODEC loopback test on channel 1 ...
> [INFO] [0/Radio#0] CODEC loopback test passed[INFO] [0/DmaFIFO#0] BIST
> passed (Estimated Minimum Throughput: 1361 MB/s)[INFO] [0/DmaFIFO#0] BIST
> passed (Estimated Minimum Throughput: 1361 MB/s)
> _____________________________________________________ /|       Device:
> E300-Series Device|
> _____________________________________________________|    /|   |
> Mboard: ni-e320-31DFBB7|   |   eeprom_version: 3|   |   fs_version:
> 20200914014807|   |   mender_artifact: v4.0.0.0_e320|   |   mpm_sw_version:
>|   |   pid: 58144|   |   product: e320|   |   rev: 5|   |
>   rpc_connection: remote|   |   serial: 31DFBB7|   |   type: e3xx|   |
> MPM Version: 3.0|   |   FPGA Version: 6.0|   |   FPGA git hash:
> 90ce606.dirty|   |   |   |   Time sources:  internal, external, gpsdo|   |
>   Clock sources: external, internal, gpsdo|   |   Sensors: ref_locked,
> gps_locked, fan, temp_fpga, temp_internal, temp_rf_channelA,
> temp_rf_channelB, temp_main_power, gps_gpgga, gps_sky, gps_time, gps_tpv|
>   _____________________________________________________|    /|   |
> RFNoC blocks on this device:|   |   |   |   * 0/DDC#0|   |   * 0/DUC#0|   |
>   * 0/DmaFIFO#0|   |   * 0/FFT#0|   |   * 0/Radio#0|   |   *
> 0/SplitStream#0|     _____________________________________________________|
>    /|   |       Static connections on this device:|   |   |   |   *
> 0/SEP#0:0==>0/DUC#0:0|   |   * 0/DUC#0:0==>0/Radio#0:0|   |   *
> 0/Radio#0:0==>0/DDC#0:0|   |   * 0/DDC#0:0==>0/SEP#0:0|   |   *
> 0/SEP#1:0==>0/DUC#0:1|   |   * 0/DUC#0:1==>0/Radio#0:1|   |   *
> 0/Radio#0:1==>0/DDC#0:1|   |   * 0/DDC#0:1==>0/SEP#1:0|   |   *
> 0/SEP#2:0==>0/DmaFIFO#0:0|   |   * 0/DmaFIFO#0:0==>0/SEP#2:0|   |   *
> 0/SEP#3:0==>0/DmaFIFO#0:1|   |   * 0/DmaFIFO#0:1==>0/SEP#3:0|   |   *
> 0/SEP#4:0==>0/FFT#0:0|   |   * 0/FFT#0:0==>0/SEP#4:0|   |   *
> 0/SEP#5:0==>0/SplitStream#0:0|   |   * 0/SplitStream#0:0==>0/SEP#5:0|
> _____________________________________________________|    /|   |       TX
> Dboard: dboard|   |
> _____________________________________________________|   |    /|   |   |
>     TX Frontend: 0|   |   |   Name: E3xx|   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX|   |
> |   Freq range: 47.000 to 6000.000 MHz|   |   |   Gain range PGA: 0.0 to
> 89.8 step 0.2 dB|   |   |   Bandwidth range: 20000000.0 to 40000000.0 step
> 0.0 Hz|   |   |   Connection Type: IQ|   |   |   Uses LO offset: No|   |
>   _____________________________________________________|   |    /|   |   |
>       TX Frontend: 1|   |   |   Name: E3xx|   |   |   Antennas: TX/RX|   |
>   |   Freq range: 47.000 to 6000.000 MHz|   |   |   Gain range PGA: 0.0 to
> 89.8 step 0.2 dB|   |   |   Bandwidth range: 20000000.0 to 40000000.0 step
> 0.0 Hz|   |   |   Connection Type: IQ|   |   |   Uses LO offset: No|
> _____________________________________________________|    /|   |       RX
> Dboard: dboard|   |
> _____________________________________________________|   |    /|   |   |
>     RX Frontend: 0|   |   |   Name: E3xx|   |   |   Antennas: RX2, TX/RX|
> |   |   Freq range: 70.000 to 6000.000 MHz|   |   |   Gain range PGA: 0.0
> to 76.0 step 1.0 dB|   |   |   Bandwidth range: 20000000.0 to 40000000.0
> step 0.0 Hz|   |   |   Connection Type: IQ|   |   |   Uses LO offset: No|
> |     _____________________________________________________|   |    /|   |
>   |       RX Frontend: 1|   |   |   Name: E3xx|   |   |   Antennas: RX2,
> TX/RX|   |   |   Freq range: 70.000 to 6000.000 MHz|   |   |   Gain range
> PGA: 0.0 to 76.0 step 1.0 dB|   |   |   Bandwidth range: 20000000.0 to
> 40000000.0 step 0.0 Hz|   |   |   Connection Type: IQ|   |   |   Uses LO
> offset: No*
> I have a graph on GNURadio with the created block (attached), but when I
> try to run it I have the following error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "QPSK_example.py", line 386, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "QPSK_example.py", line 362, in main
>     tb = top_block_cls()
>   File "QPSK_example.py", line 86, in __init__
>     self.splitting_splitstream_0 = splitting.splitstream(
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/splitting/splitting_swig.py",
> line 243, in make
>     return _splitting_swig.splitstream_make(graph, block_args,
> device_select, instance)
> RuntimeError: Cannot find block!
> I'm not very familiar with swig so, is there something I must add in the
> swig interface to have my block recognised by GNURadio? Or is this error
> related to something else?  I'd really appreciate any help on this.
> Kind Regards,
> Maria.
> <gnu_graph.png>
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