Hi Marcus,

Running gnuradio-config-info -v returns the following:

My PYTHONPATH is as follows:


I should also mention that my approach to date has been to use PyBOMBS to
install GNU Radio, after installing UHD driver v3.15.0.0 from source.
However, both times I have attempted this, the PyBOMBS installer has asked
me whether I want to rebuild UHD from source or keep the existing binary.
When I choose "keep existing", the installer crashes out with an error
message (both times).


On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:58 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 04/19/2021 03:15 AM, brendan.horsfi...@vectalabs.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have just upgraded my laptop to the latest version of GNU Radio
> Companion (ver (Python 3.6.9)), and am now trying to use it to
> monitor a block of spectrum with my USRP B210. Unfortunately the flowgraph
> won’t run (even though it ran in my old GNU Radio setup), and instead
> prints the following message to the console:
> linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.003.000-0-unknown
> UHD Warning:
> EnvironmentError: IOError: Could not find path for image: usrp_b200_fw.hex
> Using images directory: <no images directory located>
> Set the environment variable 'UHD_IMAGES_DIR' appropriately or follow the
> below instructions to download the images package.
> Please run:
> "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/anyone/Documents/Brendan/GNU-Radio/top_block.py", line 244, in
> <module>
> main()
> File "/home/anyone/Documents/Brendan/GNU-Radio/top_block.py", line 220, in
> main
> tb = top_block_cls()
> File "/home/anyone/Documents/Brendan/GNU-Radio/top_block.py", line 87, in
> __init__
> channels=list(range(0,1)),
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnuradio/uhd/__init__.py", line 125,
> in constructor_interceptor
> return old_constructor(*args)
> File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnuradio/uhd/uhd_swig.py", line 3259,
> in make
> return _uhd_swig.usrp_source_make(device_addr, stream_args,
> issue_stream_cmd_on_start)
> RuntimeError: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ----->
> Device Address:
> serial: 318425D
> The above message suggests GRC is calling version ** of
> the UHD driver. This is weird, as last week I installed version **
> of the UHD driver on my laptop, after first uninstalling the old driver (or
> so I thought…).
> However, if I run uhd_usrp_probe or uhd_find_devices, I get a message
> confirming that I am indeed running v3.15.0.0 of the UHD driver:
>    -
>    linux; GNU C++ version 7.5.0; Boost_106501;
>    *UHD_3.15.0.HEAD-0-gaea0e2de*
> If I look in the folder “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/”, I find the files
> *libuhd.so.003.010.003* and *libuhd.so.3.15.0* are both present — but I
> am pretty sure there should only be one of them present!
> This “dual-install” problem seems to be fairly common among USRP/GNU Radio
> users, but so far I haven’t found any actual solutions.
> There is also a second error message in the above console output: 
> *“EnvironmentError:
> IOError: Could not find path for image: usrp_b200_fw.hex”*. This is
> baffling, as I have run the script
> “/usr/local/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py“ three times, and am
> confident that the FPGA images have downloaded successfully (for the
> record, they are in /usr/local/share/uhd/images).
> If anyone can tell me how to resolve these problems, I would be very
> grateful!
> Regards,
> Brendan.
> That means that the version of Gnu Radio you used to produce whatever app
> you have is linked against UHD 3.10.3, whereas all
>   your UHD *utilities* are linked against the newer version.
> What happens when you run:
> gnuradio-config-info -v
> What is in your PYTHONPATH?  Is it perhaps pointing to older python code,
> and you're picking up older (very older) python modules that
>   are themselves linked against both an older GR and older UHD?
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