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> On Apr 13, 2021, at 3:05 AM, wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using a Python script to capture a short burst of rx samples from my 
> B210. The script is based heavily on the Ettus example “”, 
> with a couple of additional tweaks I took from the Ettus GitHub repo 
> (
> In my script I am calling my rx sampling function repeatedly using a “for" 
> loop. Any errors that occur during sampling are stored in a 
> uhd.types.RXMetadata() object, just like in the original Ettus script.
> Here’s the strange part:
> While the script is running, the letter ‘O’ is printed on the screen about 
> 50% of the time, which I believe is an overflow warning from the Fastpath 
> logger. However, the number of errors being detected by the RXMetadata() 
> object is almost zero. How can this be?
> Some questions:
> How seriously should I take the Fastpath ‘O’ warning? What does it actually 
> mean? Does it mean that this burst of samples will be corrupted/incomplete?
It absolutely means that samples were lost. 

The metadata should include time stamps that will allow you to compute how much 
was lost. 

> Why is the RXMetadata object not returning an error every single time that 
> the Fastpath logger does?
This I’m not certain of. 
> Thanks,
> Brendan.
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