
This did fix my problem and I can now generate deterministic packets!

Thank you,

Rylee Mattingly
University of Oklahoma
Graduate Research Assistant

From: Rob Kossler <>
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 4:02 PM
To: Mattingly, Rylee <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Generating Packets in a 2-Port Block
Hi Rylee,
I think the problem is that the "length" in the context header should be in 
bytes (not in samples).

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 7:31 PM Mattingly, Rylee 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

I am currently working on a RFNoC block that has a ‘passthrough’ port and 
‘results’ port that outputs data based on the samples seen in the passthrough 

I am currently using the AXI-stream payload context interface and I am having 
trouble deterministically generating packets. My current test block outputs the 
value of the counter as the payload, but the count seems to  be about a quarter 
of the length of the desired length.  For instance, my current test block is 
supposed to output 1024 samples from 0-1022 with a zero as the last payload 
element. But I am only getting 0-251.

This is not an issue that I am having in my functional simulations of the state 
machine and so I believe that I may be misunderstanding something critical 
about the interface. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I am using UHD 4.0 with an x310 using Dual 10Gig ethernet. A test version of 
the block with only the transmit packet logic is attached.

Thank you,

Rylee Mattingly

University of Oklahoma

Graduate Research Assistant


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