Yes, but with constraints, since they both have to be derived from the same radio clock. Anyways, that's in the end just a parameterization of the DUC and DCC!
DISCLAIMER: Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for use of the Code. Use of the Code is subject to terms of the licenses to the UHD or RFNoC code with which the Code is used. Standard licenses to UHD and RFNoC can be found at NI will only perform services based on its understanding and condition that the goods or services (i) are not for the use in the production or development of any item produced, purchased, or ordered by any entity with a footnote 1 designation in the license requirement column of Supplement No. 4 to Part 744, U.S. Export Administration Regulations and (ii) such a company is not a party to the transaction. If our understanding is incorrect, please notify us immediately because a specific authorization may be required from the U.S. Commerce Department before the transaction may proceed further. On 18.03.21 12:23, Chang, Kaixin wrote: > > Btw, is it possible to set up rx_rate and tx_rate separately as with uhd we > have > usrp->set_rx_rate() and usrp->set_tx_rate()? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > *发件人:* Chang, Kaixin > *发送时间:* 2021年3月18日 11:47:37 > *收件人:* > *主题:* rfnoc error at building graph and setting sample rate > > > Dear madam and sir from Ettus team, > > > I am using X310 with 2 CBX120 and UHD main branch for rfnoc with|fpga image > usrp_x310_fpga_XG.bit|. My goal is to build a loopback from tx port to rx > port, but I > have some problem to build a graph. > > > For example to send from RF-A Tx/Rx port to RF-A Rx2 port, I used parameter > > --tx-blockid='0/Radio#0' --tx-chan=0 --rx-blockid='0/Radio#1' --rx-chan=0" > > I tried to connect: > > tx_stream ==> 0/DUC#0:0 ==> 0/Radio#0:0 > > 0/Radio#0:1 ==> 0/DDC#0:1 ==> rx_stream > > The 0/SEP is not a block so I use streamer on its position in chain > > But I got an error: > [ERROR] [RFNOC::GRAPH::DETAIL] Node 0/Radio#0cannot handle its current > topology! > (1inputs, 1 outputs) > Error: RuntimeError: Graph topology is not valid! > > I see the default parameters > > --tx-blockid='0/Radio#0' --tx-chan=0 --rx-blockid='0/Radio#1' --rx-chan=0" > > in rfnoc_radio_loopback seems to build a chain like this: > 0/Radio#1:0==>0/DDC#1:0==>0/SEP#2:0 > 0/SEP#0:0==>0/DUC#0:0==>0/Radio#0:0 > 0/DDC#1:0==>0/DUC#0:0 > > I don't understand why are 0/DDC#1:0 and 0/DUC#0:0 connected. > > Also I get an error at setting rate: > [WARNING] [0/Radio#1] Requesting invalid sampling rate from device: 10 > MHz. Actual > rate is: 200 MHz. > > > by using: > > uhd::rfnoc::radio_control::sptr radio_ctrl = > graph->get_block<uhd::rfnoc::radio_control>(radio_ctrl_id) > > radio_ctrl->set_rate(rx_rate) > > > Could you please give me some advice? > > > Thanks in advance > > > Kasim > > > _______________________________________________ > USRP-users mailing list -- > To unsubscribe send an email to _______________________________________________ USRP-users mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to